Please note that all times below refer to Central European Summer Time
Saturday, June 6
09:00 – 11:00 hrs | Educational Session E01
Chair: Martin Kircher & Malte Spielmann
Virtual Session Room 1
E01.1 Manifold destiny: exploring genetic interactions in high dimensions through massively parallel single cell RNA-seq
Jonathan Weissman;
United States
E01.2 Nanopore Sequencing of Human Genomes: the long and short of it.
Matthew Loose;
United Kingdom
E01.3 Massively Paralleled Variant Interpretation
Douglas M. Fowler;
United States
E01.4 Optical mapping for clinical structural variants detection
Alexander Hoischen;
The Netherlands
11:00 – 11:15 hrs | Break
11:15 – 12:45 hrs | Concurrent Sessions C01-C03 from submitted abstracts
Chairs: Maris Laan & Michael Speicher
Virtual Session Room 1
C01.1 Consistency of carrier screening guidelines across seven populations and 408,00 individuals
Aishwarya Arjunan, R. Ben-Shachar, R. Torres, K. Johansen Taber, K.E. Kaseniit, D. Muzzey;
South San Francisco, United States
C01.2 Expanded carrier screening of recessive disorders (CarrierTest) in clinical practice
Jan Diblík, M. Bittóová, F. Lhota, F. Zembol, L. Dohnalová, Z. Vilímová, I. Soldátová, M. Hrabíková, I. Pavlechová, M. Koudová, D. Stejskal;
Praha, Czech Republic
C01.3 Exome sequencing reveals variants in known and novel candidate genes for severe sperm motility disorders
Manon S. Oud, B.J. Houston, L. Volozonoka, F.K. Mastrorosa, B. Alobaidi, P.F. de Vries, G. Astuti, L. Ramos, R. Burke, R.I. McLachlan, M.K. O’Bryan, J.A. Veltman, H.E. Chemes, H. Sheth;
Nijmegen, Netherlands
C01.4 Identification of novel causes for male infertility: loss-of-function variants in MSH4 and MSH5
Margot J. Wyrwoll*, C. Friedrich, E. Kaminsky, C. Krallmann, S. Kliesch, F. Tüttelmann;
Münster, Germany
C01.5 Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis by genome-wide haplotyping of cell-free plasma DNA
Huiwen Che*, D. Villela, E. Dimitriadou, C. Melotte, N. Brison, M. Neofytou, K. Van Den Bogaert, O. Tsuiko, K. Devriendt, E. Legius, M. Zamani Esteki, T. Voet, J.R. Vermeesch;
Leuven, Belgium
C01.6 Trio exome/whole exome sequencing in prenatal diagnosis: Experiences from >400 cases shows a high diagnostic yield and a great benefit for pregnancy management and genetic counselling.
Heinz Gabriel, C. Wilhelm, F. Battke, E. Goldmann, C. Bus, S. Biskup;
Tuebingen, Germany
Chairs: Yasemin Alanay & Enza Maria Valente
Virtual Session Room 2
C02.1 SCAF4 loss of function in humans and Drosophila implicates mRNA transcriptional termination in neurodevelopmental disorders
A. Fliedner, P. Kirchner, K.E. Agre, I. de Graaf-van de Laar, M. Dutra Clarke, L. Davis-Keppen, A.B. Ekici, A. Gregor, N. Lippa, K. McWalter, G. Mirzaa, G. Noh, L. Ohden, D.A. Scott, S. Lalani, R. Straussberg, R. Cohen, A. Wiesener, Christiane Zweier;
Erlangen, Germany
C02.2 Mutation-specific pathophysiological mechanisms in a new SATB1-associated neurodevelopmental disorder
Joery den Hoed*, E. de Boer, N. Voisin, N. Guex, L. Snijders Blok, J. Chrast, The DDD study, L. Manwaring, M. Willing, A. Waheeb, M. Osmond, K. McWalter, A. Vitobello, F. Demurger, A. Lavillaureix, S. Odent, B. Mazel, L. Faivre, I. Thiffault, C. Schwager, S.M. Amudhavalli, J.A. Rosenfeld, K. Radtke, E. Preiksaitiene, E. Ranza, C. Depienne, A. Kuechler, S. Mohammed, Y. Hamzavi Abedi, V.R. Bonagura, B. Zuccarelli, B. Horist, V. Krishnamurthy, A.A. Kattentidt-Mouravieva, L. Granger, A. Petersen, K.L. Jones, M. Sinnema, A.P.A. Stegmann, R. Newbury-Ecob, U. Kini, D.F. Newbury, C. Gilissen, H. Brunner, T. Kleefstra, A. Reymond, L.E.L.M. Vissers, S.E. Fisher;
Nijmegen, Netherlands
C02.3 De novo frameshift variants in the neuronal splicing factor NOVA2 result in a common C-terminal part and cause a severe form of neurodevelopmental disorder
Francesca Mattioli*, G. Hayot, N. Drouot, B. Isidor, J. Courraud, M. Hinckelmann, F. Tran Mau-Them, C. Sellier, A. Goldman, A. Telegrafi, A. Boughton, C. Gamble, S. Moutton, A. Quartier, N. Jean, P. Van Ness, S. Grotto, S. Nambot, G. Douglas, Y. Si, J. Chelly, Z. Shad, E. Kaplan, R. Dineen, C. Golzio, N. Charlet, J. Mandel, A. Piton;
Illkirch, France
C02.4 Location, location, location: protein truncating variants in different loci of SRCAP cause three distinct neurodevelopmental disorders, associated with distinctive DNA methylation signatures
Dmitrijs Rots*, E. Chater-Diehl, A.J.M. Dingemans, M. Siu, C. Cytrynbaum, N. Hoang, S. Walker, S. Scherer, R. Pfundt, T. Rinne, T. Gardeitchik, B.B.A. de Vries, C.T.R.M. Stumpel, S.J.C. Stevens, J. van Harssel, D.G.M. Bosch, K.L.I. van Gassen, E. van Binsbergen, C.M. de Geus, M. Hempel, D. Lessel, J. Denecke, A. Slavotinek, J. Strober, L.B. Ousager, M. Larsen, L. Schultz-Rogers, E. Morava, E.W. Klee, I.R. Berry, J. Campbell, K. Lindstrom, A.M. Neumeyer, J.A. Radley, C. Phornphutkul, W.G. Wilson, B. Schmidt, S. Meyn, K. Ounap, K. Reinson, S. Pajusalu, C. Ruivenkamp, A. van Haeringen, R. Cuperus, GeneDx inc., L.E.L.M. Vissers, H.G. Brunner, T. Kleefstra, D.A. Koolen, R. Weksberg;
Nijmegen, Netherlands
C02.5 Mechanistic dissection of chromatin topology disruption in the 5q14.3 MEF2C locus as an indirect driver of neurodevelopmental disorders
K. Mohajeri, Eva D’haene*, R. Yadav, H. Gu, B. Menten, A. Presser Aiden, C. Lowther, S. Erdin, E. Lieberman Aiden, J. Gusella, S. Vergult, M. Talkowski;
Gent, Belgium
C02.6 Crispr-Cas9-engineered Pigv341E mouse model mirrors the human phenotype, reveals a hippocampal synaptic defect and suggests a major role of impaired Abl1/Ephrin signaling pathway in GPI anchor deficiency
Miguel Rodríguez de los Santos, M. Rivalan, F.S. David, A. Knaus, A. Stumpf, L. Moreno Velasquez, A. Voigt, D. Mattei, M. Long, L. Wittler, B. Timmermann, D. Horn, S. Mundlos, U. Kornak, D. Schmitz, Y. Winter, P.M. Krawitz;
Berlin, Germany
Chairs: Christian Gilissen & Zoltan Kutalik
Virtual Session Room 3
C03.1 Reconciling GWAS and Mendelian genetics through core-gene identification
Olivier B. Bakker, A. Claringbould, H. Westra, S. Mulcahy Symmons, M. Swertz, I.H. Jonkers, L. Franke, P. Deelen;
Groningen, Netherlands
C03.2 Improved de novo mutation detection through deep learning
Karolis Šablauskas*, W. Steyaert, D. Rots, R. Pfundt, H.G. Yntema, H.G. Brunner, A. Hoischen, L.E.L.M. Vissers, C. Gilissen;
Nijmegen, Netherlands
C03.3 GestaltMatch: breaking the limits of rare Mendelian disorder diagnosis by matching patients with next-generation phenotyping
Tzung-Chien Hsieh*, A. Bar-Haim, G. Nadav, T.J. Pantel, N. Fleischer, P. Krawitz;
Bonn, Germany
C03.4 Untranslated region (UTR) variant analysis across 71,702 genomes to build a framework for variant interpretation
Sander Pajusalu*, N.J. Lake, M. Lek;
New Haven, United States
C03.5 Hotspot detection in homologous protein domains using de novo mutations from 31,058 patients identify candidate developmental disorder genes
Laurens van de Wiel*, H. Venselaar, L.E.L.M. Vissers, G. Vriend, J.A. Veltman, C. Gilissen;
Nijmegen, Netherlands
C03.6 Cell type specific genetic regulation of gene expression across human tissues
Sarah Kim-Hellmuth, F. Aguet, M. Oliva, S. Kasela, M. Muñoz-Aguirre, V. Wucher, GTEx Consortium, R. Guigó, B.E. Stranger, K.G. Ardlie, T. Lappalainen;
Munich, Germany
11:15 – 12:45 hrs | Corporate Satellites
12:45 – 13:00 hrs | Break
13:00 – 14:30 hrs | Corporate Satellites
14:30 – 14:45 hrs | Break
14:45 – 16:15 hrs | Plenary Session PL1
Chairs: Alexandre Reymond, Joris Veltman
Virtual Session Room 1
PL1.1 Title to be announced
Speaker to be announced;
This lecture will be given by the Leena Peltonen Prize Award Winner.
PL1.2 RNA splicing defects in cancer
Robert Bradley;
United States
PL1.3 Molecular therapy for Cystic Fibrosis
Harry Heijerman;
The Netherlands
16:15 – 16:30 hrs | Break
16:30 – 18:00 hrs | Plenary Session PL2
Chairs: Alexandre Reymond, Joris Veltman
Virtual Session Room 1
PL2.1 Evaluation of DNA methylation episignatures for diagnosis and phenotype correlations in 42 Mendelian neurodevelopmental disorders
E. Aref-Eshghi, J. Kerkhof, V. Pedro, Groupe DI France, M. Barat-Houari, N. Ruiz-Pallares, M. Alders, M. Mannens, P. Henneman, R.C. Hennekam, A. Ciolfi, S. Pizzi, M. Tartaglia, P.M. Campeau, J. Rousseau, M.A. Levy, L. Brick, M. Kozenko, T.B. Balci, V.M. Siu, A. Stuart, M. Kadour, J. Masters, K. Takano, T. Kleefstra, N. de Leeuw, M. Field, M. Shaw, J. Gecz, G. Merla, P.J. Ainsworth, H. Lin, D.I. Rodenhiser, M.J. Friez, M. Tedder, J.A. Lee, B.R. DuPont, R.E. Stevenson, S.A. Skinner, C.E. Schwartz, D. Genevieve, Bekim Sadikovic;
London, Canada
PL2.2 Identity-by-descent detection across 487,409 British samples reveals fine-scale population structure, evolutionary history, and trait associations
Juba Nait Saada*, G. Kalantzis, D. Shyr, M. Robinson, A. Gusev, P. Palamara;
Oxford, United Kingdom
PL2.3 Large-scale targeted sequencing identifies risk genes for neurodevelopmental disorders
Malin Kvarnung, T. Wang, K. Hoekzema, D. Vecchio, H. Wu, A. Sulovari, B.P. Coe, M.A. Gillentine, A.B. Wilfert, A. Lindstrand, A. Nordgren, B. Anderlid, J.A. Rosenfeld, P. Liu, -. ASID Consortium, I.E. Scheffer, N. Brunetti-Perri, N. Rommelse, D.G. Amaral, G.W.E. Santen, E. Trabetti, Z. Sedláček, J.J. Michaelson, E. Courchesne, F.R. Kooy, -. The SPARK Consortium, C. Romano, H. Peeters, R.A. Bernier, J. Gecz, K. Xia, E.E. Eichler, M. Nordenskjöld;
Stockholm, Sweden
PL2.4 Genomic and transcriptomic profiling of malformations of cortical development: from tissue to single-cell resolution
Sara Baldassari*, M. Chipaux, E. Marsan, S. Ferrand‑Sorbets, G. Dorfmüller, H. Adle‑Biassette, S. Baulac;
Paris, France
PL2.5 TAD-shuffling at the FGF8 locus causes Split-Hand/Foot Malformation type 3
Giulia Cova*, R. Schöpflin, R. Falcone, B. Timmermann, L. Wittler, O. Zuffardi, M. Spielmann, S. Mundlos;
Berlin, Germany
PL2.6 The enrichment of breakpoints in late-replicating chromatin provides novel insights into chromoanagenesis mechanisms
Nicolas Chatron*, G. Giannuzzi, P. Rollat-Farnier, F. Diguet, E. Porcu, T. Yammine, K. UGUEN, Z. Bellil, J. Lauer Zillhardt, A. Sorlin, F. Ader, A. Afenjar, J. Andrieux, C. Bardel, E. Calpena, S. Chantot-Bastaraud, P. Callier, N. Chelloug, E. Chopin, M. Cordier, C. Dubourg, L. Faivre, F. Girard, S. Heide, Y. Herenger, S. Jaillard, B. Keren, S.J.L. Knight, J. Lespinasse, L. Lohmann, N. Marle, R. Maroofian, A. Masurel-Paulet, M. Mathieu-Dramard, C. Metay, A.T. Pagnamenta, M. Portnoï, F. Prieur, M. Rio, J. Siffroi, S. Valence, J.C. Taylor, A.O.M. Wilkie, P. Edery, A. Reymond, D. Sanlaville, C. Schluth-Bolard;
Lyon, France
18:00 – 18:15 hrs | Break
18:15 – 19:45 hrs | Concurrent Sessions C04-C07 from submitted abstracts
Chairs: Carla Oliveira & Conxi Lazaro
Virtual Session Room 1
C04.1 Unique somatic mutation lanscape enhances tumor predisposition in the kidney proximal tubule
Irene Franco, H.T. Helgadottir, A. Moggio, M. Larsson, P. Vrtacnik, A. Johansson, N. Norgren, P. Lundin, D. Mas-Ponte, J. Nordström, T. Lundgren, P. Stenvinkel, L. Wennberg, F. Supek, M. Eriksson;
C04.2 TFEB constitutive activation underlies polycystic kidney and renal carcinoma in Birt-Hogg-Dube’ syndrome
Chiara Di Malta, G. Napolitano, A. Esposito, M. Matarese, V. Benedetti, A. Zampelli, D. Siciliano, A. Venuta, M. Cesana, C. Vilardo, E. Nusco, J. Monfregola, A. Ballabio;
Pozzuoli (NA), Italy
C04.3 Oncogenic transcription factors are over-represented in mutated active DNA binding sites in neuroblastoma and Wilms tumor
Vito A. Lasorsa*, F. Cimmino, M. Avitabile, S. Cantalupo, A. Montella, B. De Angelis, M. Morini, C. de Torres, A. Castellano, F. Locatelli, A. Iolascon, M. Capasso;
Napoli, Italy
C04.4 Characterization of circRNA profiles in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Angela Gutierrez-Camino*, M. Caron, C. Richer, E. Lopez-Lopez, I. Martin-Guerrero, B. Frutos, P. St-Onge, A. Bataille, D. Sinnett;
Leioa, Spain
C04.5 Patient-derived PDAC organoids recapitulate tumor cell state heterogeneity and functional hierarchy in vitro
Teresa G. Krieger*, J. Jabs, S. LeBlanc, A. Giri, O. Strobel, R. Eils, C. Conrad;
Berlin, Germany
C04.6 Integrative analyses of 100 genomes of Basal Cell Carcinoma in the context of transcription and methylation profiles
Sergey I. Nikolaev, A. Yurchenko, A. Sartori, I. Padioleau, F. Rajabi, L. Parmentier, D. Salomon, E. Dermitzakis, H. Ongen;
Chairs: Valerie Cormier-Daire & Aurora Pujol
Virtual Session Room 2
C05.1 Investigating the role of KMT2C in heart development
Shona C. Borland, G. Tenin, R. Monaghan, S. Williams, M. Zi, C. Wilson, S. Prehar, E. Cartwright, S. Abraham, B. Keavney;
Manchester, United Kingdom
C05.2 Mutations in KDR, encoding for vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2, contribute to Tetralogy of Fallot
Doris Skoric-Milosavljevic*, N. Lahrouchi, F. Bosada, G. Dombrowsky, F. Tjong, I. El Bouchikhi, M. Hababa, S. Williams, R. Walsh, L. Beekman, A. Ilgun, R. Lesurf, E. Audain, J. Breckpot, B.J. Mulder, S. Clur, S. Mital, B. Keavney, M. Hitz, V. Christoffels, E.M. Lodder, A.V. Postma, C.R. Bezzina;
Amsterdam, Netherlands
C05.3 Bi-allelic loss-of-function mutations in PLD1 cause congenital right-sided cardiac valve defects and neonatal cardiomyopathy
Najim Lahrouchi*, A. Postma, C.M. Salazar, D. De Laughter, F. Tjong, L. Piherová, F.Z. Bowling, D. Zimmerman, E.M. Lodder, A. Ta-Shma, Z. Perles, L. Beekman, A. Ilgun, Q. Gunst, M. Hababa, D. Škorić‐Milosavljević, P. de Knijff, R. de Leeuw, J.Y. Robinson, S.C. Burn, H. Mustafa, M. Ambrose, T. Moss, J. Jacober, D.M. Niyazov, A. Rousounides, A. Aristidou-Kallika, G. Tanteles, M. Magliozzi, F.C. Radio, G.W.E. van Santen, J.C. Herkert, O. Elpeleg, M. van den Hoff, B. Mulder, M.V. Airola, S. Kmoch, J.V. Barnett, S. Clur, M.A. Frohman, C.R. Bezzina;
Amsterdam, Netherlands
C05.4 Pathogenic variants in THSD4, encoding the ADAMTS-Like 6 protein, predispose to inherited thoracic aortic aneurysm
Sandy Elbitar*, M. Renard, P. Arnaud, N. Hanna, M. Jacob, D. Guo, K. Tsutsui, M. Gross, K. Kessler, L. Tosolini, V. Dattilo, S. Dupont, J. Jonquet, M. Langeois, L. Benarroch, M. Aubart, Y. Ghaleb, Y. Abou Khalil, M. Varret, P. El Khoury, B. Ho-Tin-Noé, Y. Alembik, S. Gaertner, B. Isidor, L. Gouya, O. Milleron, K. Sekiguchi, D. Milewicz, J. De Backer, C. Le Goff, J. Michel, G. Jondeau, L.Y. Sakai, C. Boileau, M. Abifadel;
Paris, France
C05.5 Functional characterization of rare SHOX2 variants identified in sinus node dysfunction and atrial fibrillation
Sandra Hoffmann, C. Paone, S.A. Sumer, S. Diebold, B. Weiss, R. Roeth, S. Clauss, I. Klier, S. Kääb, A. Schulz, P.S. Wild, A. Ghrib, T. Zeller, R.B. Schnabel, S. Just, G.A. Rappold;
Heidelberg, Germany
C05.6 A novel microRNA in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes regulates hypertrophy and is a biomarker of left ventricular hypertrophy
A. Turner, P. Aggarwal, A. Matter, C. Gu, D.K. Arnett, Ulrich Broeckel;
Milwaukee, United States
Chairs: Elfride de Baere & Nicola Brunetti-Pierri
Virtual Session Room 3
C06.2 Whole Exome Sequencing, Molecular Assays, Immunohistology and Animal Models associate USP48 to Hereditary Hearing Loss
Sissy Bassani*, A. Morgan, M. Cocca, N. Voisin, J. Chrast, S. Pradervand, N. Guex, B. Delprat, M. Rossel, H. Locher, E. Van Beelen, M. Tangui, P. Gasparini, G. Girotto, A. Reymond;
Trieste, Italy
C06.3 Ablation of the congenital microcoria (MCOR) critical region on 13q32.1 activates common-type glaucoma signaling pathways challenging a developmental etiology of MCOR-associated glaucoma.
Clementine Angee*, B. Nedelec, P. David, S. Gerber, S. Crippa, B. Passet, J. Vilotte, N. Chassaing, J. Kaplan, C. Costic, P. Calvas, J. Rozet, L. Fares-Taie;
Paris, France
C06.4 Mouse and human studies support a role for CAPN15 variants in cataract and microphthalmia
C. Zha, C.A. Farah, Richard J. Holt, F. Ceroni, L. AlAbdi, A.O. Khan, R. Helaby, F.S. Alkuray, A. Kraus, N.K. Ragge, W.S. Sossin;
Oxford, United Kingdom
C06.5 DYNC2H1 hypomorphic or retina-predominant variants cause non-syndromic retinal degeneration
Anjali V. Vig, J.A. Poulter, D. Ottaviani, E. Tavares, K. Toropova, A.M. Tracewska, A. Mollica, J. Kang, O. Kehelwathugoda, T. Paton, J.T. Maynes, G. Wheway, G. Arno, K.N. Khan, M. McKibbin, C. Toomes, M. Ali, M. Di Scipio, S. Li, J. Ellingford, G. Black, A. Webster, M. Rydzanicz, P. Stawiński, R. Płoski, A. Vincent, M.E. Cheetham, C.F. Inglehearn, A. Roberts, E. Heon;
Toronto, Canada
C06.6 Proteasome subunit PSMC3 variants cause neurosensory syndrome combining deafness and cataract due to proteotoxic stress
A. Kröll-Hermi, F. Ebstein, C. Stoetzel, V. Geoffroy, E. Schaefer, S. Scheidecker, S. Bär, M. Takamiya, K. Kawakami, B. Zieba, F. Studer, V. Pelletier, C. Speeg-Schatz, V. Laugel, D. Lipsker, F. Sandron, S. McGinn, A. Boland, J. Deleuze, L. Kuhn, J. Chicher, P. Hammann, S. Friant, C. Etard, E. Krüger, Jean Muller, U. Strähle, H. Dollfus;
Strasbourg, France
Chairs: Celine Lewis & Ramona Moldovan
Virtual Session Room 4
C07.1 Implementing a hybrid clinical/research model in genomic medicine: post 100,000 Genomes Project
Christine Patch, E. Thomas, F. Maleady Crowe, R. Wier, T. Fowler, M. Bishop, A. Pichini;
London, United Kingdom
C07.2 A tailored approach towards informing relatives at risk of inherited cardiac diseases: preliminary results of a randomized controlled trial
Lieke M. Van den Heuvel*, Y.M. Hoedemaekers, A.F. Baas, M.J.H. Baars, E.M.A. Smets, J.P. van Tintelen, I. Christiaans;
Amsterdam, Netherlands
C07.3 Measuring the burden of direct-to-consumer genetic testing on clinical genetics services
Jane M. Tiller*, M. Millward, M. Bogwitz, H. Kincaid, S. Taylor, A. Trainer, P. Lacaze;
Melbourne, Australia
C07.4 Critical components of informed consent for genetic testing: Results of a Delphi Consensus process
Kelly E. Ormond, M. Borensztein, A.H. Buchanan, W. Faucett, M.L.G. Hallquist, H.L. Peay, M.E. Smith, E. Tricou, W.R. Uhlmann, K.E. Wain, C.R. Coughlin II;
Stanford, United States
C07.5 Public attitudes towards human germline gene editing: a baseline survey in the Netherlands
Diewertje Houtman*, M. Polak, B. Vijlbrief, P. Verheggen, R. Hofstra, S. Riedijk;
Rotterdam, Netherlands
C07.6 Does Genetic Counseling lead to effective coping with genetic risk information?
Barbara B. Biesecker, M.T. Cho;
Bethesda, United States
Sunday, June 7
08:30 – 10:00 hrs | Concurrent Symposia S01-04
Chairs: Yasemin Alanay & Maris Laan
Virtual Session Room 1
S01.1 Prenatal Genomic Approach to Genetic Diseases of Bone
Deborah Krakow;
United States
S01.2 Pandora’s Pregnancy – A new Era for Prenatal Genetic Testing
Yeal Hashiloni‐Dolev;
S01.3 Prenatal Exome and Genome Sequencing: The PAGE Study and Future Perspectives
Mark Kilby;
United Kingdom
Chairs: Michael Speicher & Serena Nik-Zainal
Virtual Session Room 2
S02.1 Methylation Patterns of Plasma DNA in Health and Disease
Yuval Dor;
S02.2 Fragmentation of Plasma Cell-Free DNA for Early Detection of Cancer
Victor E. Velculescu;
United States
S02.3 Circulating Tumor Cells and Minimal Residual Disease, Latest Advances
Catherine Alix-Panabières;
Chairs: Matti Pirinen & Zoltan Kutalik
Virtual Session Room 3
S03.1 Why We Should Study African Genomic Variation
Ambroise Wonkam;
South Africa
S03.2 Genomes of Archaic Humans and their Contribution to Modern Humans
Janet Kelso;
S03.3 Inferring Ancestry of Everyone
Jerome Kelleher
United Kingdom
Chairs: Celine Lewis & Sam Riedijk
Virtual Session Room 4
S04.1 The Patient’s Role in New Disease Gene Discovery
Christian Schaaf;
S04.2 Experiences with public engagement: Estonian Biobank’s example
Annely Allik;
S04.3 My DNA, whose business is it anyway? A Citizen Forum on the Societal Impact of Genomics
Wannes Van Hoof;
08:30 – 10:00 hrs | Corporate Satellites
10:00 – 10:15 hrs | Break
10:15 – 11:45 hrs | Concurrent Sessions C08-C12 from submitted abstracts
Chairs: Christian Gilissen & Francesca Forzano
Virtual Session Room 1
C08.1 Project Baby Bear: The first state-funded quality improvement project of rapid Whole Genome Sequencing in neonatal and pediatric intensive care units in the USA
Katarzyna A. Ellsworth, S. Caylor, W. Benson, C. Ashburner, J. Carmichael, E. Cham, S. Chowdhury, J. Cleary, A. D’Harlingue, L. Farnaes, J. Hunt, C. Hobbs, K. Houtchens, P. Joe, J. Knight, A. Kochhar, M. Joseph, J. Limon, M. Martin, S. Nahas, K.A. Rauen, A. Schwarz, S.P. Shankar, R. Spicer, M. Rojas, O. Vargas-Shiraishi, K. Wigby, N. Zadeh, S. Kingsmore, D. Dimmock;
San Diego, United States
C08.2 Integration of genome sequencing into health care – experiences from 3211 rare disease patients show high diagnostic rates across multiple clinical entities
Anna Lindstrand, H. Stranneheim, K. Lagerstedt-Robinson, M. Kvarnung, N. Lesko, D. Nilsson, B. Anderlid, H. Arnell, C. Backman Johansson, M. Barbaro, E. Björck, H. Bruhn, J. Eisfeldt, M. Engvall, C. Freyer, G. Grigelioniene, P. Gustavsson, A. Hammarsjö, M. Hellström-Pigg, A. Jemt, M. Laaksonen, S. Lind Enoksson, M. Magnusson, H. Malmgren, K. Naess, M. Nordenskjöld, M. Oscarson, M. Pettersson, C. Rasi, A. Rosenbaum, E. Sahlin, T. Stödberg, B. Tesi, E. Tham, H. Thonberg, U. von Döbeln, S. Vonlanthen, A. Wikström, J. Wincent, O. Winqvist, A. Wredenberg, S. Ygberg, R.H. Zetterström, P. Marits, M. Johansson-Soller, M. Johansson Soller, A. Nordgren, V. Wirta, A. Wedell;
Stockholm, Sweden
C08.3 Genomic loci susceptible to systematic sequencing bias in clinical whole genomes
Timothy M. Freeman*, Genomics England Research Consortium, D. Wang, J. Harris;
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Systematic analysis of short tandem repeats in 38,256 exomes provides additional diagnostic yield
Bart P.G.H. van der Sanden*, M. de Groot, J. Corominas, M. Pennings, R.P.P. Meijer, L.E.L.M. Vissers, E. Kamsteeg, C. Gilissen;
Nijmegen, Netherlands
C08.5 A cost-effectiveness and utility analysis of genomic sequencing in a prospective versus historical cohort of complex pediatric patients
Alison Yeung, N.B. Tan, T.Y. Tan, Z. Stark, N. Brown, M.J. Hunter, M. Delatycki, C. Stutterd, R. Savarirayan, G. McGillivray, R. Stapleton, S. Kumble, L. Downie, M. Regan, S. Lunke, B. Chong, D. Phelan, G. Brett, A. Jarmolowicz, Y. Prawer, G. Valente, Y. Samarinsky, M. Martin, C. McEwan, I. Goranitis, C. Gaff, S.M. White;
Parkville, Australia
C08.6 The impact of the 100,000 Genomes Project on rare disease in national healthcare
Damian Smedley, S. Abbs, G. Arno, E. Baple, M. Barnes, P. Beales, M. Bitner-Glindzicz, G. Black, P. Brennan, G. Chan, P. Chinnery, V. Cipriani, S. Ellard, J. Ellingford, P. Elliott, H. Firth, F. Flintner, K. Ibanez Garikano, H. Houlden, M. Irving, J. Jacobsen, E. McDonagh, D. McMullan, L. Moutsianas, W. Newman, W.H. Ouwehand, T. Ratnaike, A. Rueda Martin, C. Penkett, F. Raymond, J. Sayer, R. Scott, K. Smith, H. Stark, K. Stirrups, J. Taylor, E. Thomas, A. Tucci, J. Vandrovcova, L. Vestito, A. Webster, W. Wei, M. Wielscher, H. Williams, A. Wilkie, C. Wright, A. Rendon, M. Caulfield, ,. NIHR BioResource, ,. Genomics England Research Consortium;
London, United Kingdom
Chairs: Zeynep Tümer & Johannes Zschocke
Virtual Session Room 2
C09.1 The Australian Genomic Health Alliance Mitochondrial Flagship – A national approach to genomic diagnostics
David Thorburn, N. Baker, S. Balasubramaniam, D. Bratkovic, D. Coman, A. Compton, M. Delatycki, C. Ellaway, M. Fahey, J. Fletcher, A. Frazier, R. Ghaoui, H. Goel, D. Hock, M. Kava, N. Lake, P. Lamont, J. Lee, J. Panetta, L. Phillips, R. Rius, M. Ryan, N. Smith, D. Stroud, M. Tchan, M. Walsh, M. Wallis, A. Welch, C. Wools, J. Christodoulou;
Melbourne, Australia
C09.2 High resolution respirometric analysis of a Barth Syndrome disease model
Gregor Oemer*, K. Lackner, J. Koch, E.R. Werner, C. Doerrier, G. Krumschnabel, G. Leman, S. Dubrac, R. Houtkooper, J. Zschocke, M.A. Keller;
Innsbruck, Austria
C09.3 Recurrent de novo ATAD3 duplications cause fatal perinatal mitochondrial cardiomyopathy, persistent hyperlactacidemia, encephalopathy and heart-specific mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation complex I deficiency.
A.E. Frazier, Alison G. Compton, Y. Kishita, D.H. Hock, A.E. Welch, S.S.C. Amarasekera, R. Rius, L.E. Formosa, A. Imai-Okazaki, D. Francis, M. Wang, N.J. Lake, S. Tregoning, J.S. Jabbari, A. Lucattini, K.R. Nitta, A. Ohtake, K. Murayama, D.J. Amor, G. McGillivray, F.Y. Wong, M.S. van der Knaap, R.J. Vermeulen, E.J. Wiltshire, J.M. Fletcher, B. Lewis, G. Baynam, C. Ellaway, S. Balasubramaniam, K. Bhattacharya, M.L. Freckmann, R.J. Taft, S. Sadedin, M.J. Cowley, A.E. Minoche, S.E. Calvo, V.K. Mootha, M.T. Ryan, Y. Okazaki, D.A. Stroud, C. Simons, J. Christodoulou, D.R. Thorburn;
Melbourne, Australia
C09.4 Hyperuricemia and gout caused by missense mutation in D-lactate dehydrogenase, revealing novel enzymatic activity
Max Drabkin*, Y. Yogev, L. Zeller, R. Zarivach, R. Zalk, D. Halperin, O. Wormser, E. Gurevich, D. Landau, R. Kadir, Y. Perez, O.S. Birk;
Beer-Sheva, Israel
C09.5 Metabolite set enrichment improves biomarker identification and detection in untargeted metabolic profiling (UMP) data for patients with inborn errors of metabolism
Brechtje Hoegen*, U.F.H. Engelke, K.L.M. Coene, J.E. Hampstead, P. Kulkarni, R.A. Wevers, H.G. Brunner, C. Gilissen;
Nijmegen, Netherlands
C09.6 A genome-wide association study for a proxy non-alcoholic fatty liver phenotype identifies novel loci and trait-relevant candidate genes
M. Vujkovic, S. Ramdas, K. Gawronski, K. Lorenz, M. Serper, D.E. Kaplan, R. Carr, K.M. Lee, S. Saiju Pyarajan, T. Edwards, D. Klarin, Y.V. Sun, D.R. Miller, P.D. Reaven, L.S. Phillips, C.J. O’Donnell, J.B. Meigs, P.W.F. Wilson, R. Vickers-Smith, H.R. Kranzler, A.C. Justice, M. Gaziano, S. Muralidhar, S.L. DuVall, T.L. Assimes, J.S. Lee, P.S. Tsao, D.J. Rader, C.D. Brown, S.M. Damrauer, J.A. Lynch, D. Saleheen, Benjamin F. Voight, K.M. Chang, on behalf of the VA Million Veteran Program;
Philadelphia, United States
Chairs: Joris Veltman & Martin Kircher
Virtual Session Room 3
C10.1 Recessive vs dominant GWAS of 82,516 coding variants on electronic health records in a population-wide analysis of 176,899 Finns
Henrike O. Heyne, J. Karjalainen, S.M. Lemmelä, FinnGen, A.S. Havulinna, M. Kurki, A. Palotie, M.J. Daly;
Helsinki, Finland
C10.2 Germline genetic testing following tumor sequencing in cancer patients has a remarkably high yield of clinically important findings that inform patient care
Stephen Lincoln, K. Das, N. Ngo, S. Michalski, S. Yang, D. Pineda, E. Esplin, S. Aradaya, R. Nussbaum;
San Francisco, United States
C10.3 The first genotype-phenotype study on European carriers of CDH1 germline mutations
José García-Peláez*, R. Monteiro, L. Sousa, H. Pinheiro, S. Castedo, L. Garrido, M. Teixeira, G. Michils, V. Bours, R. de Putter, L. Golmard & M. Blanluet, C. Colas, P. Benusiglio, S. Aretz & I. Spier, R. Hüneburg, L. Gieldon, E. Schröck, E. Holinski-Feder & V. Steinke, D. Calistri & G. Tedaldi, G. Ranzani, M. Genuardi, C. Silveira & I. Silva, M. Krajc & A. Blatnik, S. Novakovic, A. Patiño-García, J. Soto, C. Lázaro, G. Capellá, J. Brunet-Vidal, J. Balmaña, E. Domínguez-Garrido, M. Ligtenberg, E. Fewings, R. Fitzgerald, E. Woodward, G. Evans, H. Hanson, K. Lagerstedt-Robinson, S. Bajalica-Lagercrantz, C. Egas, C. Martínez-Bouzas et al., K. Dahan & D. Feret, N. Hoogerbrugge, M. Tischkowitz, C. Oliveira;
Porto, Portugal
C10.4 Enhancing rare variant interpretation in inherited arrhythmias through quantitative analysis of 5182 cases from long QT syndrome and Brugada syndrome consortia cohorts and gnomAD population controls
Roddy Walsh, N. Lahrouchi, C. Glinge, C. Krijger, D. Skoric-Milosavljevic, N. Whiffin, F. Mazzarotto, J.S. Ware, R. Tadros, International Brugada Syndrome Genetics Consortium, International LQTS Genetics Consortium, C.R. Bezzina;
Amsterdam, Netherlands
C10.5 Genome wide association study based on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in 23,634 individuals identifies five new loci associated with left atrial enlargement
Gustav Ahlberg*, L. Andreasen, J. Ghouse, S. Haunsoe, J.H. Svendsen, M.S. Olesen;
Copenhagen, Denmark
C10.6 Genetic interactions modulate lipid plasma levels and cellular uptake
Magdalena Zimon, Y. Huang, A. Trasta, J. Liu, C. Chen, A. Halavatyi, P. Blattmann, B. Klaus, C. Whelan, D. Sexton, S. John, E. Tsai, W. Huber, R. Pepperkok, H. Runz;
Heidelberg, Germany
Chairs: Valerie Cormier-Daire & Aurora Pujol
Virtual Session Room 4
C11.1 Biallelic variants in KYNU cause a multisystemic syndrome with hand hyperphalangism
Nadja Ehmke, K. Cusmano-Ozog, R. Koenig, M. Holtgrewe, B. Nur, E. Mihci, H. Babcock, C. Gonzaga-Jauregui, J.D. Overton, J. Xiao, B. Fischer-Zirnsak, C. Huber, U. Kornak, S.H. Elsea, V. Cormier-Daire, C.R. Ferreira;
Berlin, Germany
C11.2 Integrated genome and transcriptome analyses solves about one third of the patients with rare developmental disorders and negative first-line molecular investigations
Antonio Vitobello, F. Tran Mau-Them, A.L. Bruel, Y. Duffourd, E. Tisserant, P. Callier, S. Moutton, S. Nambot, D. Lehalle, N. Jean-Marçais, J. Delanne, C. Racine, J. Thevenon, C. Poe, T. Jouan, M. Chevarin, M. Willems, C. Coubes, D. Geneviève, N. Houcinat, A. Masurel-Paulet, A. Mosca-Boidron, A. Sorlin, B. Isidor, S. Heide, A. Afenjar, D. Rodriguez, C. Mignot, D. Heron, M. Vincent, P. Charles, S. Odent, C. Dubourg, A. Faudet, B. Keren, B. Cogné, A. Boland, R. Olaso, C. Philippe, J.F. Deleuze, L. Faivre, C. Thauvin-Robinet;
Dijon, France
C11.3 Characterization and treatment of overactive KATP channels associated with Cantú syndrome in zebrafish
Helen I. Roessler*, S.S. Singareddy, C. McClenaghan, S. Savelberg, F. Tessadori, J. Bakkers, R. Tyron, C.G. Nichols, G. van Haaften;
Utrecht, Netherlands
C11.4 Biallelic MADD variants cause a phenotypic spectrum ranging from developmental delay to a multisystem disorder
Pauline E. Schneeberger*, F. Kortüm, G.C. Korenke, M. Alawi, R. Santer, M. Woidy, D. Buhas, S. Fox, D. McKnight, M. Alfadhel, B.D. Webb, E.G. Coci, R. Abou Jamra, A. Finck, M. Siekmeyer, S. Biskup, C. Heller, E.M. Maier, P. Javaher-Haghighi, M.F. Bedeschi, P.F. Ajmone, M. Iascone, H. Peeters, K. Ballon, J. Jaeken, A. Rodríguez Alonso, M. Palomares-Bralo, F. Santos-Simarro, M.E.C. Meuwissen, D. Beysen, R. Kooy, H. Houlden, D. Murphy, M. Doosti, E.G. Karimiani, M. Mojarrad, R. Maroofian, B.D. Gelb, I. Kurth, M. Hempel, K. Kutsche;
Hamburg, Germany
C11.5 Modelling the developmental spliceosomal craniofacial disorder Burn-McKeown Syndrome using induced pluripotent stem cells
K. A. Wood, C. Rowlands, H. Thomas, S. Woods, J. O’Flaherty, S. Kimber, W. Newman, R. O’Keefe;
Manchester, United Kingdom
C11.6 A novel Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba (BRRS)/CLOVES syndrome model in Xenopus tropicalis, by CRISPR/Cas9
Dionysia Dimitrakopoulou, S. Demuynck, K. Vleminckx;
Ghent, Belgium
Chairs: Malte Spielmann & Enza Maria Valente
Virtual Session Room 5
C12.1 Polygenic background of psychotic disorders and genetic determinants of disease severity
Ari V. Ahola-Olli, Z. Misiewicz, N. Mars, M. Lähteenvuo, B. Neale, T. Männynsalo, E. Isometsä, A. Wegelius, J. Hietala, W. Haaki, O. Kampman, J. Veijola, J. Tiihonen, T. Kieseppä, J. Suvisaari, S. Hyman, M. Daly, A. Palotie;
Cambridge, United States
C12.2 Autism-linked Cullin3 germline haploinsufficiency impacts cytoskeletal dynamics and cortical neurogenesis through RhoA signaling
M. Amar, A. Pramod, V. Munive Herrera, N. Yu, L.R. Qiu, P. Moran-Losada, P. Zhang, C.A. Trujillo, J. Ellegood, J. Urresti, K. Chau, J. Diedrich, J. Chen, J. Gutierrez, J. Sebat, D. Ramanathan, J.P. Lerch, J.R. Yates III, A.R. Muotri, Lilia M. Iakoucheva;
La Jolla, United States
C12.3 Tissue-specific transcriptional and functional signatures in reciprocal genomic disorders : Insights from integrated mouse and human neuronal models
Rachita Yadav*, D. JC Tai, J. Wang, T. Aneichyk, S. Erdin, B. B Currall, K. O’Keefe, A. Stortchevoi, U. Rudolph, R. H. Perlis, J. F Gusella, M. E Talkowski;
Boston, United States
C12.4 Autism Comorbidities: Role of CHD8 during the Development of the Enteric Nervous System
Gaëlle L. Hayot*, C. Weber, C. Golzio;
Illkirch-Graffenstaden, France
C12.5 A human single-cell atlas of the Substantia nigra reveals novel cell-specific pathways associated with the genetic risk of Parkinson’s disease and neuropsychiatric disorders.
D. Agarwal, C. Sandor, V. Volpato, T. Caffrey, J. Monzon-Sandoval, R. Bowden, J. Alegre-Abarrategui, R. Wade-Martins, Caleb Webber;
Cardiff, United Kingdom
C12.6 Clinical and molecular complexity of X-linked clustering epilepsy, a disorder of cellular mosaics
Jozef Gecz, K. Kolc, L. Sadleir, C. Depienne, C. Marini, I.E. Scheffer, R.S. Moller, M. Trivisano, N. Specchio, R. Kumar, D. Pham, R. Roberts;
Adelaide, Australia
11:45 – 12:00 hrs | Break
12:00 – 13:00 hrs | Corporate Satellites
13:00 – 13:45 hrs | Poster Viewing with Authors
13:45 – 14:45 hrs | Workshops
Workshop Organisers: Celia Azevedo Soares, Florence Riccardi, Ruta Marcinkute & Patricia Calapod
Virtual Session Room 1
About the workshop:
In recent years there has been a special interest of the younger human geneticists in organizing events that focus on their interests. With this aim in mind the ESHG Young Board and Young Geneticist Network (YGN) are organizing their first collaborative session during the ESHG 2020 Virtual Conference with a focus on themes related to professional development for young human geneticists.
Previously to ESHG 2020, the YGN community voted, on Facebook social media, for one topic to be discussed at this session and the selected topic was: Human Genetics in different countries. Two additional topics, selected by the organization of the workshop, will be discussed by a guest speaker.
by the workshop organisers
Work-life balance: how to have it all
Marni J. Falk
Executive Director, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Mitochondrial Medicine Frontier Program
Associate Professor, Division of Human Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
ERN: Opportunities for the next generation
Alain Verloes
Medical Genetics Department, Hôpital Robert DEBRE, Paris Public University Hospital (AP-HP)
European coordinator of ERN ITHACA (Intellectual Disability and Congenital Malformations).
Public choice – Human Genetics in different countries
Sofia Douzgou
Education and Training Lead, NW Genomic Laboratory Hub
Workshop Organisers: Carla Oliveira, Conxi Lazaro
Virtual Session Room 2
About the workshop:
SCOPE: This workshop is about European Reference Networks (ERNs), which are virtual networks involving healthcare providers across Europe. They aim to facilitate discussion on complex or rare diseases and conditions that require highly specialized treatment, and concentrated knowledge and resources.
AIM: The workshop is aimed at presenting and raising awareness about the first European guidelines on heritable TP53-related cancer syndrome (formal Li-Fraumeni syndrome) and PTEN hamartoma tumour syndrome, recently published by the ERN GENTURIS members in EJHG. A general discussion with the audience is expected about guideline implementation in Europe and at the National level.
AUDIENCE: Health Professionals and Scientists working in the field of Human Genetics in Europe, mainly in the Hereditary Cancer context.
Attendees will learn about:
-The first European guidelines on heritable TP53-related cancer syndrome (formal Li-Fraumeni syndrome).
-The first European guidelines on PTEN hamartoma tumour syndrome.
-Strategies for guideline implementation in Europe and at the National level.
Carla Oliveira, Conxi Lazaro
Guidelines for the Li-Fraumeni and Heritable TP53-Related Cancer syndromes
Thierry Frébourg, Rouen University Hospital, Rouen, France
Guidelines for the PTEN hamartoma tumour syndrome
Marc Tischkowitz, Cambridge University Hospital, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Round Table, Q&A
All participants in the session
Session Closing
Carla Oliveira, Conxi Lazaro
Workshop Organiser: Robert Kuhn
Virtual Session Room 3
About the workshop:
The UCSC Genome Browser offers data and many visualization features to help the scientist get the most out of large genomic datasets. This virtual workshop will touch a few things that are useful in the Browser and not always discovered by the casual visitor.
1. The GTEx dataset presents transcription profiles for every human gene across a large number of tissues. The data are presented in the Browser as both a normalized dataset, averaging all transcripts of a gene locus and also as a transcript-specific dataset, making it possible to identify specific transcripts that may be expressed in a tissue of interest. A variant in a gene may become interesting if the researcher can identify an appropriate isoform/tissue combination.
2. Scientists can load their own expression data into the Genome Browser in the same barChart format as is used in the GTEx datasets. We will demonstrate how to display data in this format. It is an excellent way to summarize expression data that may cover a large number of tissues or treatments in a coherent visualization.
3. The Saved Sessions feature of the Browser is used to store and share sessions for future use. For example, a clinician may have a certain location and combination of datasets configured to tell a story about a patient sample and can save that configuration for easy access when discussing the case with the patient or colleagues. This and other sessions, saved for different purposes can be used to easily access important information.
4. The UCSC team typically focuses on human, mouse and other vertebrate genomes, particularly in service of comparative genomics and the things that can be learned by exploring homologies across the animal kingdom. However, in light of the recent global coronavirus situation, we have also built a genome browser on the SARS-CoV-2 genome, including proteomics, gene models and comparative datasets on variants around the world:
13:45- 15:15 hrs | Corporate Satellites
14:45 – 15:15 hrs | Break
15:15 – 16:45 hrs | Concurrent Symposia S05-08
Chairs: Malte Spielmann & Thierry Voet
Virtual Session Room 1
S05.1 Embryo-scale, single-cell spatial transcriptomics
Cole Trapnell;
United States
S05.2 Cellular drivers of injury response and regeneration in the zebrafish heart
Jan Philipp Junker;
S05.3 Transcriptome-Scale Super-Resolved Imaging in Tissues by RNA SeqFISH
Long Cai;
United States
Chairs: Zeynep Tümer & Nicola Brunetti-Pierri
Virtual Session Room 2
S06.1 Nonsense Mediated Decay in Neuronal Development and Disease
Miles Wilkinson
United States
S06.2 Genetic Compensation
Didier Stainier
S06.3 Alternativa Splicing and Nonsense-Mediated Decay
Liana Lareau
United States
Chairs: Cecilia Lindgren & Zoltan Kutalik
Virtual Session Room 3
S07.1 Large Scale Dissection of the Genetic Architecture of Molecular and Cellular Traits in Adipocytes
Melina Claussnitzer;
S07.2 Functional Approaches to Gain Insights Into Type 2 Diabetes Loci
Anna Gloyn;
United Kingdom
S07.3 Understanding Blood Cell Production in Health and Disease – From Disease Gene to Mechanism
Vijay Sankaran;
United States
Chairs: Karin Writzl & Vita Dolzan
Virtual Session Room 4
S08.1 Challenges in Diagnostic Sequencing for Inherited Cardiac Conditions
Roddy Walsh;
United Kingdom
S08.2 RNAs in cardiovascular system – the potential use as biomarkers and as therapeutic carriers
Thomas Thum;
S08.3 Identification and Characterization of Novel Microproteins in the Human Heart
Sebastiaan van Heesch;
16:45 – 17:00 hrs | Break
17:00 – 18:30 hrs | Concurrent Sessions C13-C16 from submitted abstracts
Chairs: Michael Speicher & Malte Spielmann
Virtual Session Room 1
C13.1 Landscape of cohesin-mediated chromatin loops in the human genome
Fabian Grubert, R. Srivas, D. Spacek, M. Kasowski, M. Ruiz-Velasco, N. Sinnott-Armstrong, P. Greenside, A. Narasimha, Q. Liu, B. Geller, A. Sanghi, M. Kulik, S. Sa, M. Rabinovitch, A. Kundaje, S. Dalton, J. Zaugg, M. Snyder;
Stanford, United States
C13.2 Analysis of chromatin looping at joint endometrial-ovarian cancer risk loci to identify candidate target genes
Dylan Glubb, I. Jeong, A. Spurdle, T. O’Mara;
Brisbane, Australia
C13.3 When the silent genome gets loud: transcription of repeated genomic elements at the single-cell resolution in K27M-mutated high-grade gliomas
Marie Coutelier*, V. Lisi, S. Hébert, D. Faury, B. Krug, N. De Jay, N. Jabado, C.L. Kleinman;
Montreal, Canada
C13.4 CDH1 regulatory noncoding elements: a hidden master for tissue-specific E-cadherin expression
Celina São José*, A.R. Monteiro, A. Qamra, R. Acuna-Hidalgo, P. Tan, S. Mundlos, C. Oliveira;
Porto, Portugal
C13.5 Local gene co-expression: molecular characterisation, tissue specificity and its genetic control
Diogo Ribeiro*, A. Ramisch, E. Dermitzakis, O. Delaneau;
Lausanne, Switzerland
C13.6 Structural variants in HDAC9 that disrupt TWIST1 transcriptional regulation but not HDAC9 protein function are associated with craniofacial and limb malformations
Ramon Y. Birnbaum, N. Hirsch;
Beer-Sheva, Israel
Chairs: Valerie Cormier-Daire & Elfride de Baere
Virtual Session Room 2
C14.1 Implication of FOXD2 in autosomal recessive syndromic CAKUT
Korbinian M. Riedhammer, M. Nguyen, B. Alhaddad, S.J. Arnold, G.J. Kim, U. Heemann, M. Schmidts, J. Hoefele;
Munich, Germany
C14.2 Heterozygous DACT1 mutations in patients with renal anomalies and features of Townes-Brocks syndrome
A. Christians, E. Kesdiren, I. Hennies, A.D. Hofmann, M. Trowe, F. Brand, Helge Martens*, I.A. Kindem, Z. Gucev, M. Zirngibl, R. Geffers, T. Seeman, A. Kispert, H. Billing, A. Bjerre, V. Tasic, D. Haffner, J. Dingemann, R.G. Weber;
Hannover, Germany
C14.3 Loss of UNC45A causes microvillus inclusion disease-like by impairing myosin-dependent epithelial morphogenesis
R. Duclaux-Loras, F. Charbit-Henrion, C. Lebreton, O. Nicolle, M. Rabant, C. Guerrera, A. Fabre, L. Faivre, G. Michaux, H. Uligh, F. Ruemmele, N. Cerf-Bensussan, Marianna Parlato;
Paris, France
C14.4 A comprehensive exome study of the genetic architecture of asthma reveals a putative novel patient subgroup defined by filaggrin truncating variants
Sophia R. Cameron-Christie*, H. Olsson, A. Mackay, Q. Wang, M. Hühn, D. Muthas, G. Lassi, J. Lindgren, G. Povysil, D.B. Goldstein, G. Belfield, I. Dillmann, Y. Ohne, S. Cohen, S. Young, A. Platt, S. Petrovski;
Cambridge, United Kingdom
C14.5 Random plasma glucose GWAS in 479,678 individuals: genetic relationships with impaired lung function and intestinal health
Marika A. Kaakinen, L. Jiang, A. Ulrich, L. Zudina, Z. Balkhiyarova, P. Todorov, T.H. Pers, V. Lagou, I. Prokopenko, MAGIC Investigators;
Guildford, United Kingdom
C14.6 A complementary study approach unravels novel players in the pathoetiology of Hirschsprung‘s disease
T. Mederer, Stefanie Schmitteckert, J. Volz, C. Martinez, R. Röth, T. Thumberger, V. Eckstein, J. Scheuerer, C. Thöni, F. Lasitschka, L. Carstensen, P. Günther, S. Holland-Cunz, R. Hofstra, E. Brosens, D. Schriemer, I. Ceccherini, M. Rusmini, J. Tilghman, B. Luzón-Toro, A. Torroglosa, S. Borrego, C. Szeman Tang, M. Garcia-Barcelo, P. Tam, N. Paramasivam, M. Bewerunge-Hudler, C. de la Torre, N. Gretz, G. Rappold, P. Romero, B. Niesler;
Heidelberg, Germany
Chairs: Joris Veltman & Alexandre Reymond
Virtual Session Room 3
START: The STudy of Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Robert Lyle, C. Page, Y. Lee, K.L. Haftorn, A. Jugessur, J. Bohlin, H.K. Gjessing, H.K. Gjessing, P. Magnus, S. Håberg;
Oslo, Norway
Evaluating diagnostic challenges with ABCA4-related retinal disease – experience with a 7500 IRD patient cohort sent for genetic diagnostics
Johanna Känsäkoski, K. Kämpjärvi, S. Tuupanen, K. Wells, L. Sarantaus, P. von Nandelstadh, K. Merkkiniemi, H. Västinsalo, E. Mårtensson, R. Perez Carro, E. Sankila, J.W. Koskenvuo, S. Myllykangas, T. Alastalo;
Espoo, Finland
Insights into the retinal function of ciliopathy proteins gained through zebrafish models
M. Masek, Ruxandra Bachmann-Gagescu;
Zürich, Switzerland
Functional characterization of a Xenopus tropicalis knockout and a human cellular model of RCBTB1-associated inherited retinal disease shows involvement of RCBTB1 in the cellular response to oxidative stress
Marjolein Carron , T. Naert, G. Ascari, S. Demuynck, T. Van Nieuwenhuyzen, T. Rosseel, D. Priem, A. Kremer, H. Van Landeghem, S. Hoogstoel, F. Coppieters, C. Guérin, K. Vleminckx, E. De Baere;
Ghent, Belgium
Loss of function of RIMS2, a synaptic membrane exocytosis gene, causes a new phenotype characterized by congenital cone-rod synaptic disease associated with neurodevelopmental and pancreatic involvement
Sabrina Mechaussier , B. Almoallem, C. Zeitz, K. Van Schil, L. Jeddawi, J. Van Dorpe, C. Condroyer, O. Pelle, M. Polak, N. Boddaert, N. Bahi-Buisson, M. Cavallin, J. Bacquet, A. Mouallem-Bézière, O. Zambrowski, J. Sahel, I. Audo, J. Kaplan, J. Rozet, E. De Baere, I. Perrault;
Paris, France
Genetic and molecular analysis of urinary magnesium concentration in Scottish and Croatian populations
Christina B. Joseph, C.M. Stanton, C. Drake, T.S. Boutin, J.F. Wilson, O. Polasek, O. Devuyst, T. Hurd, C. Hayward;
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Detection of deep intronic mutations by RNAseq in Alport syndrome
Paris, France
RNA-seq approach to detect splicing alterations in primary ciliary dyskinesia and non-CF bronchiectasis
Jelmer Legebeke, G. Wheway, H. Wai, W. Walker, J.S. Lucas, D. Baralle;
Southampton, United Kingdom
Combined exome/genome sequencing with in-house variant data repository mining confirm USP53 as a causal gene for intrahepatic cholestasis
Salem Alawbathani, M. Rocha, H. Arshad Cheema, R. Boustany, S. Nampoothiri, A. Alswaid, N. El Koofy, V. Karageorgou, I. Hövel, S. Khan, C. Beetz, A. Rolfs, P. Bauer, A.M. Bertoli-Avella, A.M. Bertoli-Avella;
Rostock, Germany
Elucidating the molecular mechanism underlying laterality defects
Dinu Antony, A. Maver, M.A. Deardorff, L. Slagter, K. Wu, Z. Bakey, E. Gulec, A. Gezdirici, H. Brunner, M. Schmidts;
Freiburg, Germany
Biallelic missense variant in SVBP causes impaired detyrosination of tubulin leading to complex hereditary spastic paraplegia without microcephaly
Edgard Verdura, N. Launay, G. Fernandez Garcia de Eulate, J. Ondaro, A. Schlüter, M. Ruiz, S. Fourcade, A. López de Munain, A. Pujol;
L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
Understanding the mechanism of RNF216-mediated neurodegeneration: genetic, proteomic, neuropathological and cellular approach
Sumedha Roy, P. Ervilha Pereira, N. Schuermans, A. Sieben, F. Thery, E. Mondragon Rezola, E. Debackere, P. LeBlanc, M. Galas, P. Santens, F. Impens, E. Bogaert, B. Dermaut;
Gent, Belgium
The genotype-phenotype correlation of intragenic RBFOX1 deletions.
Magdalena A. Paczkowska, M. Geremek, B. Nowakowska;
Warsaw, Poland
Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress contribute to the phenotype of FOXP1 deficiency
Jing Wang, H. Fröhlich, G.A. Rappold;
Heidelberg, Germany
Chairs: Edward Dove & Ramona Moldovan
Virtual Session Room 4
C16.1 Regulating Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: A comparison of international policy trends and perspectives
Rosario Isasi, M.E. Ginoza;
Miami, United States
C16.2 Regulation of international direct-to-participant (DTP) genomic research: results and recommendations from a 31-country study
Ma’n Zawati, M. Rothstein, B. Knoppers;
Montreal, Canada
C16.3 Genomic sequencing capacity, data retention and personal access to raw data in Europe
Shaman Narayanasamy*, V. Markina, A. Thorogood, A. Blazkova, M. Shabani, B.M. Knoppers, B. Prainsack, R. Koesters;
Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
C16.4 The genome as individual property or common good. Conceptualization of the genome within a citizen forum
Chloé Mayeur, W. Van Hoof;
Anderlecht, Belgium
18:30 – 18:45 hrs | Break
18:45 – 20:15 hrs | Corporate Satellites
Monday, June 8
08:30 – 10:00 hrs | Concurrent Symposia S09-13
Chairs: Elfride de Baere & Cecilia Lindgren
Virtual Session Room 1
S09.1 From digenic predictions to oligogenic networks via a new predictive approach
Tom Lenaerts;
S09.2 Common Variants Determine Quasi-Mendelian Inheritance of Rare Diseases
Carlo Rivolta;
S09.3 Resolution of Disease Phenotypes Resulting from Multilocus Genomic Variation
Jennifer Posey;
United States
Chairs: Jose Luis Costa & Thierry Voet
Virtual Session Room 2
S10.1 Single-Cell RNA-Seq on Tumor Microenvironment in Lung Cancer
Bernard Thienpont;
S10.2 Single-Cell Analysis in Tumour Progression
Alex Swarbrick;
S10.3 Single cell to understand AML progression
Alexander Perl;
United States
Chairs: Maris Laan & Malte Spielmann
Virtual Session Room 3
S11.1 The unsung hero: The essential role of the placenta for development and lifelong health
Myriam Hemberger;
S11.2 Genetics of Recurrent Hydatidiform Moles: Novel Findings and Patient Counselling
Rima Slim;
S11.3 Organoids to understand pregnancy disorders
Graham J. Burton;
United Kingdom

Chairs: Francesca Forzano & Ramona Moldovan
Virtual Session Room 4
S12.1 The state of the science of heritable human genome editing and ethical concerns
Michele Ramsay;
South Africa
S12.2 Addressing Misuse of Science in Surveillance
Yves Moreau;
S12.3 Whole genome sequencing in Health Care 2.0: Testing, Tailoring, Targeting
Martina Cornel;
The Netherlands
Chairs: Nicola Brunetti-Pierri & Yasemin Alanay
Virtual Session Room 5
S13.1 The Lysosome in the Control of Cell Metabolism
Andrea Ballabio;
S13.2 Complex cellular pathology in lysosomal disorders: insights from Niemann-Pick disease type C
Frances Platt;
United Kingdom
S13.3 Therapy of Lysosomal Storage Disorders – Lessons from Fabry Disease
Raphael Schiffmann;
United States
08:30 – 10:00 hrs | Corporate Satellites
10:00 – 10:15 hrs | Break
10:15 – 11:00 hrs | Plenary Session PL3
Chairs: Celine Lewis & Sam Riedijk
Virtual Session Room 5
PL3.1 ELPAG Award Lecture
Heather Skirton;
United Kingdom
10:15 – 11:45 hrs | Concurrent Sessions C17-C20 from submitted abstracts
Chairs: Nicola Brunetti Pierri & Zeynep Tümer
Virtual Session Room 1
C17.1 An innovative dual-reporter cell line to identify protein level modulators in drug-repositioning for rare genetic diseases: a proof-of-principle in Autosomal Dominant LeukoDystrophy (ADLD)
Elisa Giorgio, E. Pesce, E. Pozzi, E. Sondo, M. Lorenzati, M. Ferrero, G. Borrelli, E. Della Sala, A. Buffo, N. Pedemonte, A. Brusco;
Torino, Italy
C17.2 Low-dose infigratinib, an oral selective fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI), demonstrates activity in preclinical models of achondroplasia (ACH)
Benoit Demuynck, J. Flipo, G. Li, C. Dambkowski, L. Legeai-Mallet;
Paris, France
C17.3 CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing approach completely repaired the causative COL4A5 10bp deletion in a naturally occurring dog model of Alport Syndrome.
Sergio Daga*, K. Capitani, F. Donati, G. Beligni, S. Croci, F. Valentino, C. Fallerini, R. Tita, C. Rivera, S. Clark, M. Mencarelli, M. Baldassarri, E. Benetti, S. Furini, E. Frullanti, M. Nabity, A. Auricchio, S. Conticello, A. Renieri, A. Pinto;
Siena, Italy
C17.4 Single-intrathecal delivery of a new AAV9-mediated gene therapy vector provides long-term safe expression of frataxin and prevents neurological and cardiac deficits, neurodegeneration and iron deposition in a Friedreich’s Ataxia mouse model
Eudald Balagué*, D. Cota-González, K. Adrián-Campbell, B. García-Lareu, A. Bosch, J. Coll-Cantí, M. Chillón, I. Sánchez, A. Matilla-Dueñas;
Badalona, Spain
C17.5 HDAC inhibitor CI-994 rescues phenotype in a mouse model of Birk-Barel intellectual disability syndrome
A. Cooper, Tamer Butto, N. Hammer, S. Jagannath, D. Lucia Fend-Guella, J. Akhtar, K. Radyushkin, F. Lesage, J. Winter, S. Strand, J. Roeper, U. Zechner, S. Schweiger;
Mainz, Germany
Chairs: Conxi Lazaro & Carla Oliveira
Virtual Session Room 2
C18.1 Development of a rapid functional assay on peripheral blood for clinical interpretation of germline TP53 variants and detection of non-coding functional variants
S. Raad, M. Rolain, S. Coutant, C. Derambure, R. Lanos, F. Charbonnier, J. Bou, E. Bouvignies, G. Lienard, S. Vasseur, M. Farrel, O. Ingster, S. Baert-Desurmont, E. Kasper, G. Bougeard, T. Frébourg, Isabelle Tournier;
Rouen, France
C18.2 Are pathogenic germline variants in metastatic melanoma associated with unfavorable survival?
Saskia Biskup, T. Amaral, T. Sinnberg, M. Nieser, P. Martus, C. Garbe, F. Battke, A. Forschner, M. Schulze;
Tuebingen, Germany
C18.3 Germline, somatic and clinical associations with response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors and adverse events in a large patient cohort
Stefan Groha*, S. Abou Alaiwi, K. Taraszka, E. Lepisto, M. Manos, O. Rahma, T. Choueiri, M.L. Freedman, D. Schrag, K. Kehl, A. Gusev;
Boston, United States
C18.4 Rare germline variants in the tumor suppressor gene CDH1 are associated with familial glioma
Alisa Förster*, F. Brand, R. Banan, R. Hüneburg, C.A.M. Weber, N. Elyan, C. Previti, J. Kronenberg, U. Beyer, H. Martens, B. Hong, J.K. Krauss, J.H. Bräsen, A. Zimpfer, M. Stangel, A. Samii, S. Wolf, S. Aretz, B. Wiese, C. Hartmann, R.G. Weber;
Hannover, Germany
C18.5 Prostate cancer risk and prognosis for carriers of germline pathogenic variants in disease implicated genes
Niedzica Nadia Camacho Ordonez, L. Dong, A. Matakidou;
Melbourn, Royston, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
C18.6 Clinical and molecular characterization of 1253 carriers of a deleterious CHEK2 mutation from the German Consortium for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (GC-HBOC)
Wisam Habhab, U. Faust, G. Günther, U. Siebers-Renelt, M. Kiechle, C. Ott, N. Dikow, K. Kast, A. Vesper, C. Solbach, N. Harbeck, M. Stiller, A. Gehrig, C. Thomssen, H. Wallaschek, N. Arnold, I. Holzhauser, S. Kaulfuß, A. Volk, W. Janni, C. Engel, R. Schmutzler, O. Rieß, C. Schroeder, K. Bosse;
Tuebingen, Germany
Chairs: Serena Nik-Zainal & Johannes Zschocke
Virtual Session Room 3
C19.1 One test for all: whole genome sequencing in 62 trios with congenital limb malformation identifies structural variants and new disease genes
J. Elsner, M.A. Mensah, M. Holtgrewe, W. Hülsemann, S. Mundlos, Malte Spielmann;
Berlin, Germany
C19.2 Biallelic mutations inTOGARAM1 cause a novel primary ciliopathy
V. Morbidoni, E. Agolini, K.C. Slept, L. Pannone, D. Zuccarello, E. Grosso, G. Gai, L. Salviati, B. Dallapiccola, A. Novelli, S. Martinelli, Eva Trevisson;
Padova, Italy
C19.3 Biallelic loss-of-function variations in SMO, encoding the key transducer of the Sonic Hedgehog pathway, cause a broad phenotypic spectrum of hedgehogopathies
Thuy L. LE*, Y. Sribudiani, X. Dong, C. Huber, C. Kois, G. Baujat, C.T. Gordon, V. Mayne, L. Galmiche, V. Serre, N. Goudin, M. Zarhrate, C. Bole-Feysot, C. Masson, P. Nitschké, F.W. Verheijen, L. Pais, A. Pelet, S. Sadedin, J.A. Pugh, N. Shur, S.M. White, S.E. Chehadeh, J. Christodoulou, V. Cormier-Daire, R.M.W. Hofstra, S. Lyonnet, T.Y. Tan, T. Attié-Bitach, W.S. Kerstjens-Frederikse, J. Amiel, S. Thomas;
Paris, France
C19.4 Bi-allelic Variants in RALGAPA1 Cause Profound Neurodevelopmental Disability, Muscular Hypotonia, Infantile Spasms, and Feeding Abnormalities
Matias Wagner*, Y. Skorobogatko, B. Pode-Shakked, C.M. Powell, B. Alhaddad, A. Seibt, O. Barel, G. Heimer, C. Hoffmann, L.A. Demmer, Y. Perilla-Young, M. Remke, D. Wieczorek, T. Navaratnarajah, P. Lichtner, D. Klee, H.E. Shamseldin, F.A. Mutairi, E. Mayatepek, T.M. Strom, T. Meitinger, F.S. Alkuraya, Y. Anikster, A.R. Saltiel, F. Distelmaier;
Munich, Germany
C19.5 Functional genomics and extended analyses of unsolved exome-negative cases through the Undiagnosed Diseases Project in Victoria (UDP-Vic)
Tiong Y. Tan, T. Cloney, N.B. Tan, L. Gallacher, J. Elliott, G. Helman, C. Simons, S. Sadedin, L. Pais, A. O’Donnell-Luria, J. Christodoulou, S.M. White;
Parkville, Melbourne, Australia
C19.6 Identification of DNA methylation episignatures for PRC2-related overgrowth syndromes
Michael A. Levy, E. Aref-Eshghi, T.B. Balci, J. Kerkhof, G. Merla, C. Schwartz, B. Sadikovic;
London, Canada
Chairs: Aurora Pujol & Enza Maria Valente
Virtual Session Room 4
C20.1 An ancestral 10bp repeat expansion in gene encoding component of ECM causes a novel autosomal-recessive peripheral neuropathy
Alistair T. Pagnamenta, Y. Zou, S. Donkervoort, S.B. Neuhaus, R. Maroofian, N. Dominik, H.Y. Yip, A.H. Nemeth, M. O’Driscoll, F. Norwood, J. Rankin, T. Lavin, C. Marini-Bettolo, H. Jungbluth, L. Medne, S.Y. Yum, A.R. Foley, A. Need, Genomics England Research Consortium, J.C. Taylor, C.G. Bönnemann, H. Houlden;
Oxford, United Kingdom
C20.2 Mutations in the Golgi protein GBF1 as a novel cause of distal hereditary motor neuropathy
Natalia Mendoza Ferreira, M. Karakaya, N. Cengiz, D. Beijer, N. Fuhrmann, I. Hölker, B. Schrank, K. Brigatti, C. Gonzaga-Jauregui, E. Puffenberger, G. Wunderlich, P. De Jonghe, T. Deconinck, K. Strauss, J. Baets, B. Wirth;
Cologne, Germany
C20.3 Biallelic JAM2 variants lead to early-onset recessive primary familial brain calcification
Lucia V. Schottlaender*, R. Abeti, Z. Jaunmuktane, C. Macmillan, V. Chelban, B. O’Callaghan, J. McKinley, R. Maroofian, S. Efthymiou, A. Fragkou, R. Forbes, M. Soutar, J. Livingston, B. Kalmar, B. Kalmar, O. Swayne, G. Hotton, A. Pittman, J. Mendes de Oliveira, M. de Grandis, A. Richard-Loendt, F. Launchbury, J. Althonayan, G. McDonnell, A. Carr, S. Khan, C. Beetz, A. Bisgin, S. Tug Bozdogan, A. Begtrup, E. Torti, L. Greensmith, P. Giunti, P. Morrison, S. Brandner, M. Aurrand-Lions, H. Houlden;
Capital federal, Argentina
C20.4 Loss of UGP2 in brain leads to a severe epileptic encephalopathy, emphasizing that bi-allelic isoform specific start-loss mutations of essential genes can cause genetic diseases
Elena Perenthaler*, A. Nikoncuk, S. Yousefi, W.M. Berdowski, M. Alsagob, I. Capo, H.C. van der Linde, P. van den Berg, E.H. Jacobs, D. Putar, M. Ghazvini, E. Aronica, W.F.J. van IJcken, W.G. de Valk, E. Medici–van den Herik, M. van Slegtenhorst, L. Brick, M. Kozenko, J.N. Kohler, J.A. Bernstein, K.G. Monaghan, A. Begtrup, R. Torene, A. Al Futaisi, F. Al Murshedi, F. Al Azri, E. Kamsteeg, M. Mojarrad, A. Eslahi, E. Ghayoor Karimiani, J. Vandrovcova, F. Zafar, N. Rana, K.K. Kandaswamy, J. Hertecant, P. Bauer, D. Colak, S. Efthymiou, H. Houlden, A.M. Bertoli-Avella, R. Maroofian, K. Retterer, A.C. Brooks, N. Kaya, T.J. van Ham, T. Barakat;
Rotterdam, Netherlands
C20.5 Human-lineage-specific genomic elements are enriched within genes implicated in neurodegenerative diseases
Zhongbo Chen*, D. Zhang, R.H. Reynolds, J. Hardy, J. Botía, S.A. Gagliano Taliun, M. Ryten;
London, United Kingdom
C20.6 Full-length RNA sequencing of Alzheimer brain sample using long reads reveals complex alternative splicing patterns
Jenny Ekholm, E. Tseng, T. Hon, J. Underwood;
Menlo Park, United States
11:45 – 12:00 hrs | Break
12:00 – 13:00 hrs | Corporate Satellites
13:00 – 13:45 hrs | Poster Viewing with Authors
13:45 – 14:45 hrs | Workshops
Virtual Session Room 1
Workshop Organisers: Nicole de Leeuw, Erica Gerkes
About the workshop:
Various aspects of copy number variant (CNV) interpretation and classification in a diagnostic setting will be discussed in this interactive session. Data including multi-, intra- and intergenic CNVs detected by either genome wide array analysis or in Whole Exome/Genome Sequencing data will be presented.
The aim of this workshop is to focus on various aspects of copy number variant (CNV) interpretation and classification in a diagnostic setting. We will talk about multi-, intra- and intergenic CNVs detected by genome wide array analysis, but also CNV detection in Whole Exome/Genome Sequencing data will be included. We will use illustrative cases from our own diagnostic laboratories to have an interactive discussion on the more challenging findings, including reduced-penetrant, recurrent CNVs, noncoding CNVs and structurally rearranged chromosomal imbalances as well as patients with compound heterozygous variants in a recessive disease gene.
Participants are encouraged to send questions, comments or suggestions related to this topic by e-mail to before June 6, 2020.
Detailed programme:
Nicole de Leeuw, University Medical Center Nijmegen, Netherlands
Broadening our diagnostic view on copy number variants
Nicole de Leeuw, University Medical Center Nijmegen, Netherlands
The (un)usual suspects
Erica Gerkes, University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands
Concluding remarks
Erica Gerkes, University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands
Virtual Session Room 2
Workshop Organiser: Dieter Beule
About the workshop:
The workshop will discuss concepts and tools enabling more medical trained users in the analysis of whole exome variant data sets from individuals, families and cohorts. We will demonstrate how to efficiently filtrate and prioritize variants for different biomedical questions using inheritance, quality metrics, disease gene panels and phenotypic information and furthermore discuss data quality control as well as workflow validation.
Workshop speakers:
Introduction to the Workshop
Dieter Beule, Berlin Institute of Health
Collaborative and Comprehensive Variant Analysis Platform for Translational Research (including demo of VarFish and SODAR software)
Manuel Holtgrewe, Berlin Institute of Health
How to validate Whole Exome Diagnostics
Ben Liesfeld, Limbus Medical Technologies GmbH, Rostock
HPO-Based Search for Disease Mutations: Advantages, Drawbacks and Alternatives
Dominik Seelow, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
A clinician’s guide to PanelApp
Ellen Thomas, Genetics England
Closing Remarks
Dieter Beule, Berlin Institute of Health
Virtual Session Room 3
Workshop Organiser: Michal Szpak
Interpreting genetic variation in clinical research using Ensembl: exploring Ensembl/GENCODE annotation, MANE transcripts and the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor
About the workshop:
The Ensembl/GENCODE geneset ( of protein coding genes, pseudogenes and lncRNAs on the human and mouse genomes is produced by expert manual annotation. Recently, Ensembl has joined with NCBI’s RefSeq team to produce the Matched Annotation from NCBI and EMBL-EBI (MANE) transcript set.
The aim is to generate a genome-wide set that:
1) aligns to GRCh38,
2) includes pairs of 100% identical Ensembl/GENCODE (ENST) and RefSeq (NM) transcripts and
3) is well-supported.
We envision this dataset serving as a unified high-value reference set for consistent reporting of genetic variation as well as for comparative genomics and basic research. This workshop will take you through the annotation process for Ensembl/GENCODE and MANE, allowing you to experience the challenges and conflicts involved in annotation and transcript selection. You will use use Ensembl’s Transcript Archive tool (Tark) to explore comparisons of different isoforms, versions and database sources for transcripts. You will also learn to use the popular Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) to map genetic variants onto Ensembl/GENCODE transcripts, determine their likely effects and filter to find candidate variants.
Workshop speakers:
Michal Szpak, EMBL-EBI
Joannella Morales, EMBL-EBI
Adam Frankish, EMBL-EBI
Andrew Parton, EMBL-EBI
Jonathan Mudge, EMBL-EBI
Bethany Flint, EMBL-EBI
Jane Loveland, EMBL-EBI
Virtual Session Room 4
Workshop Organisers: Anton Nekrutenko, Marius van der Beek
About the workshop:
The goal of the workshop will be to demonstrate the utility of the Galaxy platform for analysis of large numbers of human samples. In this workshop we will use Galaxy and all currently available human metatransciptomic COVID-19 sequencing data to perform genomic analyses of human transcriptomic responses to the coronavirus infection.
This is will include:
– Identification of sequence variants in both host (diploid variant calling) and CODIV-19 (pooled calling)
– Analysis of transcriptome responses including the effect of COVID-19 on human unfolded protein response
– Analysis of coronavirus-related RIBOseq data
– Analysis of human Permanganate-seq data
The outcome of the workshop: Participants will learn how to use worldwide Galaxy instances to analyze multiple types of sequencing data including DNAseq, ChIPseq, RiboSeq, and RNAseq generated with Illumina, Oxford Nanopore, and Pacific Biosciences platforms.
Workshop speakers:
Anton Nekrutenko
Marius Van Den Beek
13:45 – 15:15 hrs | Corporate Satellites
14:45 – 15:15 | Meet the speakers of Educational Sessions E02-E09
14:45 – 15:15 hrs | Break
15:15 – 16:45 hrs | Concurrent Symposia S14-S17
Chairs: Joris Veltman & Teri Manolio
Virtual Session Room 1
S14.1 Polygenic risk scores in the clinic: Challenges and opportunities
Michael Inouye;
United Kingdom
S14.2 Polygenic Risk Scores, How to Use?
Mark Daly;
S14.3 Polygenic risk scores and their use in the clinic
Amit Khera;
United States
S14.4 Improving Polygenic Risk Scores for Clinical Applications
Krista Fischer;
Chairs: Martin Kircher & Michael Speicher
Virtual Session Room 2
S15.1 Detection of Structural Variation and Haplotype-Aware Genome Assembly
Tobias Marschall;
S15.2 Improving the Detection and Genotyping of Structural Variation
Birte Kehr;
S15.3 Annotation and Curation of High-Confidence Structural Variants
Aaron Quinlan;
United States
Chairs: Doris Steinemann & Jose Luis Costa
Virtual Session Room 3
S16.1 Inherited Myeloid Malignancies
Jude Fitzgibbon;
United Kingdom
S16.2 Genetics and Mechanisms of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Adolfo Ferrando;
United States
S16.3 Somatic versus Germline Alterations in Leukemia
Cristina Mecucci;
Chairs: Valerie Cormier-Daire & Yasemin Alanay
Virtual Session Room 4
S17.1 Cornelia de Lange Spectrum: does deep phenotyping help?
Feliciano Ramos;
S17.2 Genetic causes and overlapping mechanisms in the spectrum of Cornelia de Lange syndrome
Frank Kaiser;
S17.3 Post-Zygotic Mutation as a Cause of Typical Cornelia De Lange Syndrome
David FitzPatrick;
United Kingdom
15:15 – 16:45 hrs | Corporate Satellites
16:45 – 17:00 hrs | Break
17:00 – 18:30 hrs | Concurrent Sessions C21-C25 from submitted abstracts
Chairs: Cecilia Lindgren & Matti Pirinen
Virtual Session Room 1
C21.1 A genome-wide association study of sex at birth in 3 million individuals reveals widespread sex-differential participation bias with potential implications for GWAS interpretation
N. Piratsu, M. Cordioli, G. Mignogna, A. Abdellaoui, P. Nandakumar, B. Hollis, M. Kanai, V. Manikandan, P. Della Briotta Parolo, N. Baya, C. Carey, J. Karjalainen, T.D. Als, M.D. Van der Zee, F.R. Day, K.K. Ong, T. Morisaki, E. de Geus, R. Bellocco, Y. Okada, A. Børglum, P. Joshi, A. Auton, D. Hinds, B. Neale, R. Walters, Finngen Study, 23andMe Research Team, iPSYCH Consortium, M.G. Nivard, J.R.B. Perry, Andrea Ganna;
Helsinki, Finland
C21.2 A phenome-wide gene-based collapsing analysis of rare loss-of-function and missense variation in 268,451 UK Biobank exomes
Q. Wang, K. Carss, K. Smith, Slavé Petrovski;
Cambridge, United Kingdom
C21.3 FinnGen – study at its midway: already identifying dozens of novel variants for tens of diseases and traits
Markus Perola;
Helsinki, Finland
C21.4 Discovery, estimation and prediction analysis using a Bayesian survival model for complex traits
Sven E. Ojavee*, D. Trejo-Banos, M. Patxot, K. Fischer, A. Kousathanas, M.R. Robinson;
Lausanne, Switzerland
C21.5 Simultaneous estimation of bi-directional causal effects and heritable confounding from GWAS summary statistics
Liza Darrous*, N. Mounier, Z. Kutalik;
Lausanne, Switzerland
C21.6 Multi-trait genome-wide association analysis of blood pressure identifies 45 additional loci
Claudia P. Cabrera, R. Pazoki, A. Giri, J.N. Hellwege, E. Evangelou, J. Ramírez, L.V. Wain, I. Tzoulaki, T.L. Edwards, P. Elliott, P.B. Munroe, M.R. Barnes, M.J. Caulfield, H.R. Warren, on behalf of the VA Million Veteran Program and the ICBP working group;
London, United Kingdom
Chairs: Zeynep Tümer & Johannes Zschocke
Virtual Session Room 2
C22.1 Newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) using combined T cell reception excision circles (TREC)/kappa-deleting element recombination element (KREC) assays and next generation sequencing: diagnostic yield from the new established Swiss programme
Magdeldin Elgizouli, J. Pascal, A. Bahr, S. Prader, D. Drozdof, J. Pachlopnik Schmid, K. Steindl, A. Rauch, J. Reichenbach;
Schlieren, Switzerland
C22.2 Strategies for increasing diagnostic rate in patients with primary immunological disorders within the Genomics England 100,000 Genomes Project
Carme Camps, H. Griffin, K. Engelhardt, Genomics England Research Consortium, S.Y. Patel, S. Hambleton, J.C. Taylor;
Oxford, United Kingdom
C22.3 Dysregulated expression of the long intergenic non-coding RNA (lincRNA), LINC01871, implicated in Sjögren’s Syndrome pathogenesis
M.L. Joachims, B. Khatri, K.L. Tessneer, A.M. Stolarczyk, G.B. Wiley, A. Rasmussen, J.M. Guthridge, J.A. James, R.H. Scofield, K.L. Sivils, I. Adrianto, Christopher J. Lessard;
OKLAHOMA CITY, United States
C22.4 Clonal myelopoiesis in the UK biobank cohort: somatic ASXL1 mutations are strongly associated with smoking history
Ahmed A.Z. Dawoud*, W.J. Tapper, N.C.P. Cross;
Southampton, United Kingdom
C22.5 A genome-wide meta-analysis yields 46 new loci associating with biomarkers of iron homeostasis
Egil Ferkingstad, M.K. Magnusson, S. Bell, A.S. Rigas, E. Allara, G. Bjornsdottir, A. Ramond, E. Sørensen, G.H. Halldorsson, D.S. Paul, K.S. Burgdorf, H.P. Eggertsson, S. Kristmundsdottir, W.J. Astle, C. Erikstrup, J.K. Sigurdsson, D. Vuckovic, V. Tragante, P. Surendran, B. Vidarsson, I. Jonsdottir, T. Hansen, O. Sigurdardottir, H. Stefansson, D. Rye, DBDS Genomic Consortium, J.E. Peters, D. Westergaard, H. Holm, N. Soranzo, K. Banasik, G. Thorleifsson, W.H. Ouwehand, U. Thorsteinsdottir, P. Sulem, A.S. Butterworth, D.F. Gudbjartsson, J. Danesh, S. Brunak, E. Di Angelantonio, H. Ullum, K. Stefansson;
Reykjavik, Iceland
C22.6 Identification of regulators of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in vivo in humans using population genetics
Aitzkoa Lopez de Lapuente Portilla, L. Ekhdal, C. Cafaro, Z. Ali, G. Thorleifsson, K. Zemaitis, N. Ugidos Damboriena, E. Johnsson, G. Norddahl, U. Thorsteinsdottir, J. Larsson, K. Stefansson, B. Nilsson;
Lund, Sweden
Chairs: Francesca Forzano & Ramona Moldovan
Virtual Session Room 3
C23.1 Helping very young children understand inherited cancer predisposition syndromes using bibliotherapy
G. Schlub, A. Crook, J. Fleming, Kristine Barlow-Stewart, J. Kirk, K. Tucker, S. Greening;
Sydney, Australia
C23.2 Towards personalized genetic counselling: exploring subgroups among counselees based on different facets of empowerment before the first visit
Jan Voorwinden*, E. Birnie, M. Plantinga, M. Ausems, N. Knoers, M. Velthuizen, A. Lucassen, I. van Langen, A. Ranchor;
Groningen, Netherlands
C23.3 Exploring patient deliberation prior to predictive genetic testing in the absence of immediate clinical utility
Lisa M. Ballard, S. Doheny, A.M. Lucassen, A.J. Clarke;
Southampton, United Kingdom
C23.4 Negotiating autonomy and interdependence with family: how young people and health professionals navigate genetic testing for Li-Fraumeni syndrome
Rowan Forbes Shepherd*, L.A. Keogh, A.V. Werner-Lin, M.B. Delatycki, L.E. Forrest;
Melbourne, Australia
C23.5 Exploring outcomes from the Deciphering Developmental Disorders study
H. Copeland, E. Kivuva, G. Hall, T. DDD Study, C. Wright;
Exeter, United Kingdom
C23.6 Improving the communication of genomics results to patients and families with rare diseases using Experience-Based Co-Design (EBCD)
A. Costa, Vera Frankova, E. Alexander, A. Arellanesová, V. Bros-Facer, J. Clayton-Smith, G. Gumus, M. Havlovicova, A. Hunter, M. Macek, A. Metcalfe, C. Patch, R. Pourová-Kremlíková, M. Pritchard, G. Robert, L. Roberts;
Prague, Czech Republic
Chairs: Joris Veltman & Alexandre Reymond
Virtual Session Room 4
A novel disorder involving dyshematopoiesis, inflammation and HLH due to aberrant CDC42 function
Simona Coppola, M.T. Lam, O.H. Krumbach, G. Prencipe, I. Insalaco, C. Cifaldi, I. Brigida, E. Zara, S. Scala, S. Martinelli, S. Martinelli, M. Di Rocco, A. Pascarella, M. Niceta, F. Pantaleoni, A. Ciolfi, F. Carisey, M. Akbarzadeh, L. Farina, L. Pannone, H.C. Erichsen, A.C. Horne, Y. Bryceson, L. Torralba-Raga, K. Ramme, A. Finocchi, F. Locatelli, C. Cancrini, A. Aiuti, M.R. Ahmadian, J.S. Orange, F. De Benedetti, M. Tartaglia;
Rome, Italy
Unraveling the genetic architecture of autosomal recessive Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathies
Camila Armirola, K. Peters, E. de Vriendt, S. Amor-Barris, A. Jordanova;
Antwerp, Belgium
Loss of costameric supervillin causes myopathy with myofibrillar disorganization and autophagic vacuoles
C. Hedberg-Oldfors, R. Meyer, K. Nolte, Y.A. Rahim, C. Lindberg, K. Karason, I.J. Thuestad, K. Visuttijai, M. Geijer, M. Begemann, F. Kraft, E. Lausberg, L. Hitpaß, R. Götzl, E.J. Luna, H. Lochmüller, S. Koschmieder, M. Gramlich, B. Gess, M. Elbracht, J. Weis, I. Kurth, A. Oldfors, Cordula Knopp;
Aachen, Germany
Genome wide methylation profiling, EpiSign, as a diagnostic test
Marielle Alders, P. Henneman, E. Aref-Eshghi, A. Venema, J. Kerkhof, B. Sadikovic, M. Mannens;
Amsterdam, Netherlands
The landscape of BRCA1 and BRCA2 variants from 300,000 individuals in the UK Biobank population sampling
Zara Ghazoui;
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Nanopore-sequencing-based high-resolution karyotyping of AML patients
Florian Kraft, P. Krüger, S. Koschmieder, E. Jost, M. Crysandt, I. Kurth;
Aachen, Germany
Classification of ATM variants identified in Spanish patients with suspicion of hereditary cancer
L. Feliubadaló, M. Santamariña Peña, L.M. Porras, A. Moles-Fernández, A.T. Sánchez, A. Blanco, O. Diez, S. Gutiérrez-Enríquez, M. de la Hoya, A. Lopez-Novo, A. Osorio, M. Pineda, D. Rueda, C. Ruiz-Ponte, A. Vega, I.J. Molina, X. de la Cruz,
Conxi Lázaro;
Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain
Reduced male reproductive success drives selective constraint on human genes
Eugene J. Gardner, M.D.C. Neville, K.E. Samocha, M.E.K. Niemi, K.J. Barclay, M. Kolk, G. Kirov, H.C. Martin, M.E. Hurles;
Hinxton, United Kingdom
Widespread sexual differences in genetic architecture in UK Biobank
Elena Bernabeu, O. Canela-Xandri, K. Rawlik, A. Talenti, J. Prendergast, A. Tenesa;
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Profiling the chromatin landscape of early neurodevelopment using scATAC-seq
Camiel C. Mannens, L. Hu, E.P. Braun, P. Lönnerberg, S. Linnarsson;
Solna, Sweden
Chairs: Thierry Voet & Malte Spielman
Virtual Session Room 5
Deciphering genomic inversions
C. M. Grochowski1, M. Pettersson2, J. Eisfeldt2, M. Gandhi1,3, D. Pehlivan1, C. Gonzaga-Jauregui4, M. Withers1, P. Stankiewicz1,5, A. C. V. Krepischi6, J. R. Lupski1, A. Lindstrand2, C. M. B. Carvalho1;
1Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, United States, 2Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 3University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States, 4Regeneron, Tarrytown, NY, United States, 5Baylor Genetics, Houston, TX, United States, 6University of São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Polymorphic inversions underlie the shared genetic susceptibility of obesity-related diseases
J. R. Gonzalez1, C. Ruiz1, A. Caceres1, I. Moran2, M. Lopez1, L. Alonso2, I. Tolosana1, M. Guindo-Martinez3, J. M. Mercader3, T. Esko4, D. Torrents2, J. Gonzalez5, L. A. Perez-Jurado5;
1Barcelona Institute for Global Health, BARCELONA, Spain, 2Barcelona Supercomputing Center, BARCELONA, Spain, 3Broad Institute, BOSTON, MA, United States, 4University of Tartu, BARCELONA, Estonia, 5Universitat Pompeu Fabra, BARCELONA, Spain.
Discovery of rare variants associated with blood pressure regulation through meta-analysis of 1.3 million individuals
E. V. Feofanova, the Blood Pressure‐International Consortiumof Exome chip Studies (BP‐ICE), CHARGE consortium, CHD Exome+, Exome BP, GoT2D:T2Dgenes, deCODE, the Million Veteran Program (MVP);
Human Genetics Center, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, United States.
Multi-Omics integration for molecular diagnostics of mendelian disorders
R. Kopajtich1,2, D. Smirnov1,2, S. Loipfinger3, C. Meng4, D. Ghezzi5, K. Murayama6, J. A. Mayr7, P. Freisinger8, M. D. Metodiev9, A. Rötig9, T. Klopstock10, G. F. Hoffmann11, R. Santer12, F. Distelmaier13, R. Olsen14, D. Piekutowska-Abramczuk15, P. Verloo16, C. Lamperti5, J. Gagneur3, C. Ludwig4, H. Prokisch1,2;
1Institute of Human Genetics, Technical University Munich, München, Germany, 2Institute of Neurogenomics, Helmholtz Center Munich, Munich, Germany, 3Department of Informatics, Technical University Munich, Garching, Germany, 4Bavarian Center for Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry, BayBioMS, Technical University Munich, Freising, Germany, 5Unit of Molecular Neurogenetics, Istituto Neurologico ‘‘Carlo Besta, Milan, Italy, 6Department of Metabolism, Chiba Children’s Hospital, Chiba, Japan, 7Department of Paediatrics, Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg, Austria, 8Department of Pediatrics, Klinikum Reutlingen, Reutlingen, Germany, 9INSERM U1163, Université Paris, Institut Imagine, Paris, France, 10Department of Neurology, Friedrich-Baur-Institute, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany, 11Department of General Pediatrics, University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 12University Medical Center Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 1313Department of General Pediatrics, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany, 1414Research Unit for Molecular Medicine, Aarhus University and University Hospital, Aarhus N, Denmark, 15Department of Medical Genetics, The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland, 16Department of Internal Medicine and Paediatrics, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium.
Impaired complex I repair causes recessive Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy
S. L. Stenton1,2, N. Sheremet3, C. Catarino4, N. Andreeva3, Z. Assouline5, P. Barboni6, O. Barel7, I. Bychkov8, L. Caporali9, P. Charbel Issa10, P. Freisinger11, S. Gerber12, D. Ghezzi13, J. Heidler14, M. Hempel15, E. Heon16, Y. Itkis17, E. Javasky7, J. Kaplan12, R. Kopajtich1,2, C. Kornblum18, R. Kovacs-Nagy19,1, T. Krylova8, W. Kunz20, C. La Morgia9, C. Lamperti13, C. Ludwig21, P. Malacarne22, J. Mayr23, J. Meisterknecht14, T. Nevinitsyna3, F. Palombo9, B. Pode-Shakked24, M. Shmelkova3, M. Tzadok24, A. van der Ven15, C. Vignal-Clermont25, M. Wagner1, E. Zakharova8, N. Zhorzholadze3, J. Rozet12, V. Carelli9, P. Tsygankova8, T. Klopstock4, I. Wittig14, H. Prokisch1,2;
1Institute of Human Genetics, Technische Universität München, München, Germany, 2Institute of Neurogenomics, Helmholtz Zentrum München, München, Germany, 3Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Research Institute of Eye Diseases”, Moscow, Russian Federation, 4Department of Neurology, Friedrich-Baur-Institute, University Hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, Germany, 5Fédération de Génétique et Institut Imagine, Université Paris Descartes, Hôpital Necker Enfants Malades, Paris, France, 6Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy, 7Genomics Unit, Sheba Cancer Research Center, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel, 8Research Centre for Medical Genetics, Moscow, Russian Federation, 9IRCCS Istituto delle Scienze Neurologiche di Bologna, Bologna, Italy, 10Oxford Eye Hospital, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford, United Kingdom, 11Department of Pediatrics, Klinikum am Steinenberg, Reutlingen, Germany, 12Laboratory genetics in ophthalmology (LGO), INSERM UMR1163 – Institute of genetic diseases, Imagine, Paris, France, 13Unit of Medical Genetics and Neurogenetics, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta, Milan, Italy, 14Functional Proteomics, SFB815 Core Unit, Medical School, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 15Institute of Human Genetics, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 16The Hospital for Sick Children, Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences, The University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 17Research Centre for Medical Genetics, Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation, 18Department of Neurology, University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 19Department of Medical Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Pathobiochemistry, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, 20Department of Experimental Epileptology and Cognition Research, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 21Bavarian Center for Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry (BayBioMS), Technische Universität München, München, Germany, 22Institute for Cardiovascular Physiology, Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 23Department of Pediatrics, Salzburger Landeskliniken and Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, 24Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 25Ophthalmology Department, Centre National d’Ophtalmologie des Qinze-Vingts, Paris, France.
WES profiling of COVID-19
A. Renieri1,2, E. Benetti3, F. Montagnani3,4, R. Tita2, C. Fallerini1, S. Amitrano2, M. Bruttini2, G. Doddato1, A. Giliberti1, F. Valentino1, S. Croci1, L. Di Sarno1, F. Fava1,2, M. Baldassarri1, A. Tommasi1,2, M. Palmieri1, A. Emiliozzi3,4, M. Fabbiani4, B. Rossetti4, G. Zanelli3,4, L. Bergantini5, M. D’Alessandro5, P. Cameli5, D. Bennet5, F. Anedda6, S. Marcantonio6, S. Scolletta6, F. Franchi6, M. Mazzei7, E. Conticini8, L. Cantarini9, B. Frediani10, D. Tacconi11, M. Feri12, R. Scala13, A. Ognibene14, G. Spargi15, C. Nencioni16, G. Caldarelli17, M. Spagnesi18, A. Canaccini19, E. Frullanti1, I. Meloni1, M. Mencarelli2, C. Lo Rizzo2, A. Pinto2, E. Bargagli5, M. Mandalà20, S. Furini3, F. Mari1,2;
1Medical Genetics, University of Siena, Siena, Italy, 2Genetica Medica, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese, Siena, Italy, 3Dept of Medical Biotechnologies, University of Siena, Siena, Italy, 4Dept of Specialized and Internal Medicine, Tropical and Infectious Diseases Unit, Siena, Italy, 5Unit of Respiratory Diseases and Lung Transplantation, Department of Internal and Specialist Medicine, University of Siena, Siena, Italy, 6Dept of Emergency and Urgency, Medicine, Surgery and Neurosciences, Unit of Intensive Care Medicine, Siena University Hospital, Siena, Italy, 7Dept of Medical, Surgical and Neuro Sciences, Diagnostic Imaging, University of Siena, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese, Siena, Italy, 8Rheumatology Unit, Department of Medicine, Surgery and Neurosciences, University of Siena, Policlinico Le Scotte, Siena, Italy, 9Dept of Medical Sciences, University of Siena, Siena, Italy, 10Research Center of Systemic Autoinflammatory Diseases and Behçet’s Disease and Rheumatology-Ophthalmology Collaborative Uveitis Center, Department of Medical Sciences, Surgery and Neurosciences, University of Siena, Siena, Italy, 11Dept of Specialized and Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases Unit, San Donato Hospital Arezzo, Arezzo, Italy, 12Dept of Emergency, Anesthesia Unit, San Donato Hospital, Arezzo, Italy, 13Dept of Specialized and Internal Medicine, Pneumology Unit and UTIP, San Donato Hospital, Arezzo, Italy, 14Clinical Chemical Analysis Laboratory, San Donato Hospital, Arezzo, Italy, 15Dept of Emergency, Anesthesia Unit, Misericordia Hospital, Grosseto, Italy, 16Dept of Specialized and Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases Unit, Misericordia Hospital, Grosseto, Italy, 17Clinical Chemical Analysis Laboratory, Misericordia Hospital, Grosseto, Italy, 18Dept of Prevention, ASL South-East Tuscany, ASL South-East Tuscany, Italy, 19Territorial Scientific Technician Department, ASL South-East Tuscany, ASL South-East Tuscany, Italy, 20Otolaryngology Unit, University of Siena, Siena, Italy.
Tuesday, June 9
08:30 – 10:00 hrs | Concurrent Symposia S18-S20
Chairs: Serena Nik-Zainal & Christian Gilissen
Virtual Session Room 1
S18.1 Somatic Mutation and Clonal Expansions in Human Tissues
Inigo Martincorena;
United Kingdom
S18.2 Somatic Genetic Rescue in Mendelian Haematopoietic Diseases
Patrick Revy
S18.3 Somatic Mutations and Regeneration in Chronic Liver Disease
Hao Zhu;
United States
Chairs: Sam Riedijk & Yasemin Alanay
Virtual Session Room 2
S19.1 Array-based mutation testing, PRS, PGx, and return of results in a hospital setting: the GOALL project
Andre Uitterlinden;
The Netherlands
S19.2 Empirical Evidence in Preventive Genomics: MedSeq, BabySeq and Beyond
Carrie Blout;
United States
S19.3 The challenges facing clinical-research hybrid practices
Anneke Lucassen;
United Kingdom
Chairs: Matti Pirinen & Cecilia Lindgren
Virtual Session Room 3
S20.1 Combining omics data with GWAS results
Alexander Gusev;
United States
S20.2 A Bayesian Framework for Joint Fine-Mapping with Applications to Immune-Mediated Diseases
Jennifer Asimit;
United Kingdom
S20.3 Integrative Transcriptomic Analysis in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Towfique Raj;
United States
10:00 – 10:15 hrs | Break
10:15 – 11:45 hrs | Concurrent Sessions C26-C28 from submitted abstracts
Chairs: Martin Kircher & Nicola Brunetti-Pierri
Virtual Session Room 1
C26.1 Electrical impedance detection based GenapSys sequencer enables diverse genomic applications
Saurabh Paliwal, A. Nabi, M. Fallahi, M.R. Barmi, M. Jouzi, S. Stern, X. Gomes, H. Nezamfar, E. LoPrete, B. Dong, P. Kenney, K.B. Parizi, H. Rategh, S. Sankar, H. Esfandyarpour;
Redwood City, United States
C26.2 A bespoke gene-to-patient approach uplifts novel gene discovery for rare disease diagnostics
E. G. Seaby*, D. Smedley, R. Scott, M. Caulfield, D. Baralle, H. L. Rehm, A. O’Donnell-Luria, S. Ennis;
Southampton, United Kingdom
C26.3 Analysis of Mendelian phenotypes through mouse embryo viability screening
Pilar Cacheiro, S.A. Murray, V. Muñoz-Fuentes, H. Westerberg, M.E. Dickinson, A. Mallon, T.F. Meehan, D. Smedley, the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium;
London, United Kingdom
C26.4 Patient-derived retinal organoids to model retinitis pigmentosa 1 (RP1)
Patricia Berber*, A. Milenkovic, C. Brandl, B.H.F. Weber;
Regensburg, Germany
C26.6 Next generation cytogenetics: genome-imaging improves structural variant detection for constitutional chromosomal aberrations
Kornelia Neveling, T. Mantere, E. Kater-Baats, R. van Beek, M. Oorsprong, S. Vermeulen, M. Pauper, D. Olde Weghuis, M. Stevens-Kroef, G. van der Zande, D. Smeets, A. Hoischen;
Nijmegen, Netherlands
Chairs: Michael Speicher & Elfride de Baere
Virtual Session Room 2
C27.1 NCBI ALFA: Providing Sequence Variation Resource from 1 Million dbGaP Subjects
Lon Phan, NCBI dbSNP, NCBI dbGaP;
Bethesda, United States
C27.2 Predicting the effects of structural variants in the human genome
Philip Kleinert*, M. Kircher;
Berlin, Germany
C27.3 RNA secondary structure mediated by Alu insertion as a novel disease-causing mechanism
Emmanuelle Masson, S. Maestri, D.N. Cooper, C. Férec, J.M. Chen;
Brest, France
C27.4 Increased mutation rates and genome variation at active spermatogonial regulatory sites
Vera B. Kaiser, L. Talmane, Y. Kumar, F. Semple, M. MacLennan, Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study, D.R. FitzPatrick, M.S. Taylor, C.A. Semple;
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
C27.5 Resolving complex structural variants in recurrent brain tumors
K. Okonechnikov, J. Hübner, O. Chapman, A. Chakraborty, M. Pagadal, R. Bumb, S. Chandran, K. Kraft, R. Hidalgo, S. Mundlos, R. Wechsler-Reya, N. Coufal, M. Levy, J. Crawford, K. Pajtler, D. Reid, A. Schmitt, H. Carter, F. Ay, J. Dixon, J. Mesirov, S.M. Pfister, M. Kool, Lukas Chavez;
San Diego, United States
Chairs: Zeynep Tümer & Aurora Pujol
Virtual Session Room 3
C28.1 Pathogenic variants in RLIM/RNF12 lead to syndromic X-linked intellectual disability and congenital, neurologic and behavior disorders
Suzanna G.M. Frints, A. Ozanturk, G. Rodriguez Criado, U. Grasshoff, M. Field, S. Manouvrier-Hanu, S. Hickey, K. Gripp, C. Bauer, C. Schroeder, A. Toutain, T. Mihalic Mosher, B.J. Kelly, P. White, A. Dufke, S. Moon, D.C. Koboldt, E. Gerkes, A. van Haeringen, C. Ruivenkamp, C. Mignot, B. Keren, A. Müller, S. Waldmüller, M. Blandfort, U. Kordaß, K. Gardner, A. Trimouille, K.E.P. van Roozendaal, S.A. Haas, L. Murray, E. Haan, R. Carroll, J. Liebelt, L. Hobson, M. De Rademaeker, H. Brunner, J. Glatz, K. Devriendt, J. Vermeesch, M. Raynaud, O. Riess, J. Gribnau, N. Katsanis, P. Bauer, J. Gecz, C. Golzio, C. Gontan, V. Kalscheuer;
Maastricht, Netherlands
C28.2 De-novo and Biallelic pathogenic variants in NARS1 cause neurodevelopmental delay due to dominant negative and partial loss of function effect
Emer O’Connor, A. Manole, S. Efthymiou*, M. Mendes, M. Jennings, D. Jenkins, M. Lopez, R. Maroofian, V. Salpietro, S. Antonarakis, J. Vincent, T. B. Haack, F. Distelmaier, R. Horvath, J. Gleeson, H. Becker, J. Mandel, D. Koolen, H. Houlden;
London, United Kingdom
C28.3 Biallelic loss-of-function variants in TBC1D2B cause a neurodevelopmental disorder with seizures and gingival overgrowth
Frederike L. Harms*, P. Parthasarathy, D. Zorndt, M. Alawi, S. Fuchs, B.J. Halliday, C. McKeown, H. Sampaio, N. Radhakrishnan, S.K. Radhakrishnan, R. Sachdev, S.P. Robertson, S. Nampoothiri, K. Kutsche;
Hamburg, Germany
C28.4 De novo pathogenic variants in CSNK2B cause a new intellectual disability-craniodigital syndrome distinguished from Poirier-Bienvenu neurodevelopmental syndrome
Maria Asif*, E. Kaygusuz, M. Shinawi, A. Nickelsen, J. Hochscherf, D. Lindenblatt, A.A. Noegel, S. Tinschert, K. Niefind, P. Fortugno, J. Jose, F. Brancati, P. Nürnberg, M.S. Hussain;
Cologne, Germany
C28.5 Biallelic and monoallelic variants in PLXNA1 cause a syndromic disorder with neurodevelopmental and oculo-cerebral anomalies
Gabriel C. Dworschak*, J. Punetha, J.C. Kalanithy, E. Mingardo, H.B. Erdem, Z.C. Akdemir, E. Karaca, T. Mitani, D. Marafi, J.M. Fatih, S.N. Jhangiani, J.V. Hunter, T. Dakal, B. Dhabhai, O. Dabbagh, H.S. Alsaif, F.S. Alkuraya, R. Maroofian, H. Houlden, S. Efthymiou, N. Dominik, V. Salpietro, T. Sultan, S. Haider, F. Bibi, H. Thiele, J. Hoefele, K.M. Riedhammer, M. Wagner, I. Guella, M. Demos, B. Keren, J. Buratti, P. Charles, C. Nava, E. Valkanas, L.B. Waddell, K.J. Jones, E.C. Oates, S.T. Cooper, D. MacArthur, R.E. Schnur, G.E. Hoganson, J.E. Burton, M. McEntagart, D. Pehlivan, J.E. Posey, J.R. Lupski, H. Reutter;
Bonn, Germany
C28.6 Mutations in Gemin5 cause developmental delay, motor dysfunction and cerebellar atrophy
Udai Pandey;
Pittsburgh, United States
11:45 – 12:30 hrs | Poster Viewing with Authors
12:30 – 12:45 hrs | Break
12:45 – 14:15 hrs | Concurrent Sessions C29-C31 from submitted abstracts
Chairs: Doris Steinemann & Johannes Zschocke
Virtual Session Room 1
C29.1 Homozygous loss-of-function mutations in CCDC134 are responsible for a severe form of osteogenesis imperfecta
Johanne Dubail, P. Brunelle, G. Baujat, C. Huber, M. Doyard, C. Michot, P. Chavassieux, A. Khairouni, V. Topouchian, S. Monnot, E. Koumakis, V. Cormier-Daire;
Paris, France
C29.2 Hypomorphic variants in the replication complex member GINS3 result in a Meier Gorlin phenotype
Peter Kannu, E. Campos, H. Wurtele, K. Ahmed, R. Shaheen, M. McQuaid, K. Kernohan, K. Boycott, Z. Alhassnan, F. Alkuraya;
Toronto, Canada
C29.3 Homozygous EMILIN1 loss-of-function variants impair both elastin and collagen fiber formation and cause a novel entity with arterial tortuosity and osteopenia
Aude Beyens*, C. Adamo, E. Yilmaz Gulec, A. Gezdirici, P. Bonaldo, H. Bornaun, E. Brauchle, J. Brinckmann, W.P. Devine, B. Gangaram, T. Sasaki, K. Schenke-Layland, S. Symoens, A. Tam, G. Sengle, B. Callewaert;
Ghent, Belgium
C29.4 Transcriptional single-cell atlas of human limb malformation candidate genes
Cesar A. Prada-Medina*, G. Cova, J. Glaser, C. Dietrich, J. Henck, S. Mundlos, M.A. Mensah, M. Spielmann;
Berlin, Germany
C29.5 Tendon-to-bone attachment cells are bi-fated are regulated by shared enhancers KLF transcription factors
S. Kult, Tsviya Olender, M. Osterwalder, S. Krief, R. Blecher-Gonen, S. Ben-Moshe, L. Farack, H. Keren-Shaul, D. Leshkowitz, T.M. Salame, T.D. Capellini, S. Itzkovitz, I. Amit, A. Visel, E. Zelzer;
Rehovot, Israel
C29.6 Identifying targets for osteoporosis via whole exome sequencing and CRISPR-Cas9
S. Zhou, L. Laurent, J. P. Kemp, V. Forgetta, J. Morris, A. Pramatarova, P. I. Croucher, J. Bassett, D. Goltzman, D. M. Evans, J. Richards;
Montreal, Canada
Chairs: Vita Dolzan & Matti Pirinen
Virtual Session Room 2
C30.1 Using reference-fixed principal components to improve polygenic risk score prediction
Olivier Naret*, J. Fellay;
Lausanne, Switzerland
C30.2 The Polygenic Score (PGS) Catalog: an open database to enable reproducibility and systematic evaluation
Samuel A. Lambert*, L. GIl, S. Jupp, M. Chapman, H. Parkinson, J. Danesh, J.A.L. MacArthur, M. Inouye;
Cambridge, United Kingdom
C30.3 Polygenic risk, breast cancer susceptibility genes, and breast cancer over the life course
Nina Mars*, E. Widén, T. Meretoja, S. Kerminen, M. Pirinen, P. Palta, A. Palotie, J. Kaprio, H. Joensuu, M. Daly, S. Ripatti;
Helsinki, Finland
C30.4 Genetic assessment of age-associated fracture risk
Carolina Medina-Gomez*, K. Trajanoska, C. Fan, O.A. Andreassen, M. Zillikens, A.M. Dale, A.G. Uitterlinden, T.M. Seibert, F. Rivadeneira;
Rotterdam, Netherlands
C30.5 Integrative analysis of the plasma proteome and polygenic risk of cardiometabolic disease
Scott C. Ritchie*, Y. Liu, S.A. Lambert, B.G. Drew, A.C. Calkin, A.S. Butterworth, J. Danesh, M. Inouye;
Cambridge, United Kingdom
C30.6 Genotyping On ALL patients (GOALL); clinical implementation of high-throughput genotyping arrays
J. van Rooij, A. Verkerk, B. Sedaghati-khayat, L. Broer, J. de Vries, G. van Dijk, J. van Meurs, A. Uitterlinden;
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Chairs: Sam Riedijk & Enza Maria Valente
Virtual Session Room 3
C31.1 “It’s probably nothing, but⋯” Couples’ experiences of pregnancy following a uncertain prenatal genetic result
Stina Lou, K. Lomborg, C. Lewis, S. Riedijk, O. Petersen, I. Vogel;
Aarhus, Denmark
C31.2 Additional Genomic Findings: towards a feasible, effective model of care
E. Lynch, M. Martyn, L. Lee, A. Kanga-Parabia, R. Weerasuriya, R. Tytherleigh, Clara L. Gaff;
Parkville, Australia
C31.3 Analysis of laboratory exome sequencing reporting practices using a ‘virtual patient’
Danya F. Vears, M.G. Elferink, M. Kriek, P. Borry, K.L. van Gassen;
Leuven, Belgium
C31.4 Knowledge, attitudes and preparedness for polygenic risk testing in clinical practice: a cross-sectional survey of health professionals
Amelia K. Smit*, A.E. Cust, K. Dunlop, M. Young, B. Meiser, J. Tiller, T. Yanes;
Sydney, Australia
C31.5 Impact of the discussion of uncertainty on former counselees’ outcomes. An experimental vignettes study
Niki Medendorp, M. Hillen, C. Aalfs, A. Stiggelbout, E. Smets;
Amsterdam, Netherlands
C31.6 Primary Care Genomics: A roadmap for curriculum change and educational resource development
J. Hayward, I. Rafi, S. Simpson, E. Miller, A. Seller, Michelle Bishop;
Birmingham, United Kingdom
14:15 – 14:45 | Meet the speakers of Educational Sessions E10-E16
14:15 – 15:00 hrs | Break
15:00 – 15:45 hrs | Plenary Sessions PL4
Chairs: Maurizio Genuardi & Joris Veltman
Virtual Session Room 1
PL4.1 Mendel Lecture
Aviv Regev;
Cambridge, United States
15:45 – 16:30 hrs | Plenary Sessions PL5
Chairs: Maurizio Genuardi & Joris Veltman
Virtual Session Room 1
PL5.1 ESHG Award Lecture
Wendy Bickmore;
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
16:30 – 17:00 hrs | Plenary Sessions PL6
Chairs: Maurizio Genuardi & Joris Veltman
Virtual Session Room 1
EJHG-SN Citation Awards
ESHG Awards for Best Presentations by Young Investigators
European DNA Day Contest
Closing Address
*An asterisk in the author block indicates that the presenter is a Young Investigator and candidate for one of the Y.I. Awards.