Important information
- Deadline for uploading your e-Poster is: May 29, 2020, 24:00 hrs CEST
- It is required for all e-Poster presenters to register for the ESHG 2020.2 Virtual Conference and upload the e-Poster to the ESHG 2020.2 Virtual Conference Platform (cSlide)
- If the presenting author of the abstract fails to register and upload the e-Poster, the abstract will not be published in the electronic supplement of the European Journal of Human Genetics.
- If you are not able to present your e-Poster, you are kindly requested to contact the organising office as soon as possible to withdraw your abstract from the system.
- In case of a change of presenter, please nominate a co-author who is not presenter of another abstract already (Note: One person can only present one paper!) and send us the full name and E-mail address of the co-author who will present the paper.
Please also note that:
- Authors who do not notify the organising office of their cancellation ahead of the meeting and fail to present their e-Poster, will be banned from presenting an abstract at the ESHG 2021 in Glasgow.
Schedule for display
All e-Posters will be on display for registered participants from the start of the conference until June 23, 2020
How to upload your presentation
- Your presentation needs to be uploaded to the virtual platform. Please use the login credentials created during the abstract submission. For invited speakers who did not create an account themselves, please use the retrieve password option. In case of any issues please contact the organising office.
Technical guidelines for uploading your e-Poster
- Format: e-Poster presentation files will be accepted in MS PowerPoint format only. Macintosh presentations (i.e. Keynote) cannot be accommodated.
- Versions: Your presentation must be prepared in MS PowerPoint 2010, 2013 or 2016.
- The size of your e-Poster presentation should not exceed 500 MB.
- Audio and movies: Make sure that all of your audios and videos are embedded into the power point file.
- Fonts: Do not use special fonts which are not part of the standard PowerPoint package, as this will cause problems while uploading your file.
- File name: The name of the presentation file should include the presenter’s name and the presentation number. To avoid any compatibility problems, please do not use special characters (e.g. «, Ö, Ø, ñ, ε, ®, ý, }, {, etc.) to name your presentation.
- Do not use any passwords or encryption for your presentation.
- Please note that macros should not be used and flash-animations are not supported.
- Aspect ratio of your presentation should be 16:9 landscape (Mandatory).
- Your presentation cannot exceed more than 5 slides.
Audio Commentary
To enhance and/or emphasize certain aspects of your work, an audio commentary can be added to your e-Poster (maximum length: 1 minute for each slide). To include audio to your presentation, please follow these instructions
- On a given slide, select in the tabs: Insert > Audio
- Select Record Audio
- Type in a name for your audio file, select Record, and then record the desired description of the slide.
Important: Your device must have a microphone enabled in order to record audio. It is strongly advised to use a headset for the recording as the built-in microphone of your laptop may not provide sufficient quality. - To review your recording, select Stop
and then select Play
- Select Record
to re‐record your clip, or select OK to use the recording
- To move your clip, select and drag the audio icon
to an adequate area on the slide. (Note: If you are using one audio file for each slide, it is advisable to put the audio icon in the same spot on each slide to make it easy to find)
- Select Play
to listen to your audio
Change Playback Options
Select the audio icon and then the Playback tab in the navigation menu of PowerPoint. Next, select which options you would like to use:
- To trim the audio, select Trim Audio from the navigation menu and use the red and green sliders to trim the audio file accordingly.
- To fade the audio recording in and out, modify the numbers in the Fade Duration boxes Fade In: and Fade Out:.
- To adjust the volume, select Volume and then setting (Low, Medium, High or Mute) you prefer.
- To choose how the audio file starts, click on the drop-down list of Start: and select one of the following options:
- In Click Sequence – Starts the audio file automatically with a click.
- Automatically – Starts automatically once you advance to the slide that the audio file is on.
- When Clicked On – Starts the audio file only when the icon is clicked on.
- To choose how the audio plays in your presentation, select one of the following options:
- Play Across Slides – Plays one audio file across all slides.
- Loop until Stopped – Plays an audio file on loop until it is manually stopped by clicking the Play/Pause
button. - To have the audio play continuously across all slides in the background, select Play in Background from the navigation menu of PowerPoint.
Note that your presentation will be converted to HTML5 making a download of the e-Poster impossible. But just like in a paper poster presentation, it is possible for the viewer to make photographs of your e-Poster. If you do not wish any scientific content of your presentation to be photographed, please indicate this on the according slide(s) in a clearly visible way.
Important Guidelines
- In compliance with EACCME regulations, authors are requested to disclose possible conflicts of interest before uploading the e-Poster.
- When presenting data and health information (including photos) all presenters must have informed consent compliant with human subjects and applicable regulations, and comply with GDPR.
- e-Posters should stimulate discussion, not be a long presentation. Therefore, keep text and audio to a necessary minimum, emphasize graphics and make sure every item is necessary.
- Optional Materials: If you wish, you may include a download link to a handout on the e-Poster .